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MPs expenses - they're still at it..

Anna B

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Jack Cunningham used to have an apartment in a modest block not far from Westminster.* They don't need houses and places for their family to stay in. A decent one bedroom flat is more than enough.




*His daughter took me there after a student demo.......:love:


Correct, he bought it in the late 90s for about £100,000. He sold it in 2005 for almost a million and pocketed the profit.


His mortgage payments were paid for out of his expenses. Yet he was allowed to retain the profit made. Another good socialist.

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No, not everyone would do it. It's called dishonesty and used to be something people didn't do because of something called integrity. And if self discipline and integrity didn't work they could expect a visit to Her Majesty's Prison, courtesy of hard working, honest, investagative coppers. Another thing of the past apparently. Of course when MPs set a bad example then we shouldn't be surprised if others follow, hence the downward trajectory of this once great country.


I also disagree strongly that they 'do a good job.' This country has been badly managed for years, particularly since the advent of the 'professional politician,' and since dishonest politicians became accepted as the norm. Cheating on their expenses is just the tip of the iceberg, their cosy little gatherings with the lobbyists and the bankers etc, doing deals to feather their own nest and in their own best interest, rather than the interests of the country and its people, is what has brought us to where we are now. Deep, deep in the s**t


It's interesting to hear that you too are 'far from frugal and like to indulge' when it comes to expenses, in other words you're stealing from the company that employs you and quite happy to admit it openly. I wonder if the company would see it the same way as you?

I wouldn't mind betting that you're also the type to harangue people on benefits as scroungers etc, yet fail to see the irony.


Curb MPs enjoyment? What would it achieve? Try a return to proper government, by the people, for the people, and well earned respect.



Just about the most sensible post I have ever read on here, that also includes my own.


Well said Anna B.



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And predominantly abused by Labour politicians ever since.


Oh right


"Labour MPs are almost as bad as Tories when it comes to hiring relatives, data shows"




And this coming from anti Labour website which claims to be independant but isn't.

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Oh right


"Labour MPs are almost as bad as Tories when it comes to hiring relatives, data shows"




And this coming from anti Labour website which claims to be independant but isn't.


Worth flagging up this comment on the article:


The headline is wrong: 72 Conservative MPs out of 303 (24%) employ relatives; 65 out of 257 (25%) Labour MPs do the same. Please amend to read "Labour MPs worse than Tories when it comes to hiring their relatives, data shows."
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Worth flagging up this comment on the article:


Wrong, the article doesn't say that. It is a comment by someone going by the username Hugh. Anyone can post in the comments section, just like anyone can do on this forum, and if anything it's likely to be a tory who has spat his dummy out

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What do you expect? These are greedy people, and to get to the top, you have to require psychopathic traits, who can pretend to empathise, while cutting services, selling off the NHS, Prison Service in fact everything to the private sector.


We have a socialist system, government subsidises corporations and businesses, 3 billion because the companies refuse to pay a living wage, the banks and so on, while cutting social services that the majority of people use.


These are people who pretend to represent us, but the reality is once elected its a gravy train, which is the whole point of the con trick.


Its a sham democracy, lip service p[aid to the people, while robbing them daily.


I regard being offered a vote for these corrupt pretentious people as an insult to my intelligence.

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What do you expect? These are greedy people, and to get to the top, you have to require psychopathic traits, who can pretend to empathise, while cutting services, selling off the NHS, Prison Service in fact everything to the private sector.


We have a socialist system, government subsidises corporations and businesses, 3 billion because the companies refuse to pay a living wage, the banks and so on, while cutting social services that the majority of people use.


These are people who pretend to represent us, but the reality is once elected its a gravy train, which is the whole point of the con trick.


Its a sham democracy, lip service p[aid to the people, while robbing them daily.


I regard being offered a vote for these corrupt pretentious people as an insult to my intelligence.


Excellent post Erebus, I'm amazed that people are still fooled by the main parties, I cannot remember them doing anything of any good in 40 odd years and we still keep voting them in, when a party can put out an election manifesto as a selling point for your votes that they have no intention of sticking to and then pull the same trick again a few short years later is incredible.

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