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MPs expenses - they're still at it..

Anna B

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Excellent post Erebus, I'm amazed that people are still fooled by the main parties, I cannot remember them doing anything of any good in 40 odd years and we still keep voting them in, when a party can put out an election manifesto as a selling point for your votes that they have no intention of sticking to and then pull the same trick again a few short years later is incredible.


I'd actually agree with you and Erebus - to a point. We have UKIP coming through with zero experience of running anything apart from a UKIP knees up. But we have thousands of people queuing up to vote for them. What do they see (apart from the obvious) that makes people think they have a clue on how to run a country? I'm sure other countries have binned the major parties (we did with liberals I guess) and things will only change so much unless you go for a thwacking great revolution where, lo and behold, you get the same sort of narcissists running the show.

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Excellent post Erebus, I'm amazed that people are still fooled by the main parties, I cannot remember them doing anything of any good in 40 odd years and we still keep voting them in, when a party can put out an election manifesto as a selling point for your votes that they have no intention of sticking to and then pull the same trick again a few short years later is incredible.


Abolishment of death penalty

Abolishment of anti homosexuality laws

Equal pay

Disability discrimination act

Sexual discrimination Act

Social Housing Act

Health and Safety at Work

Maximum Working Time Directives

Introduction and subsequent increase of a national minimum wage

Paid leave for employees

Clean Air Act

Gay marriage


Just a few selections from the list of good things they have done over the past 40 years.


I am all for a rant about the many many bad things they have done, but to come out and say they have done not one good thing in four decades is just moronic.

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I'd actually agree with you and Erebus - to a point. We have UKIP coming through with zero experience of running anything apart from a UKIP knees up. But we have thousands of people queuing up to vote for them. What do they see (apart from the obvious) that makes people think they have a clue on how to run a country? I'm sure other countries have binned the major parties (we did with liberals I guess) and things will only change so much unless you go for a thwacking great revolution where, lo and behold, you get the same sort of narcissists running the show.


Exactly, Lord Acton said that ' Power tends to corrupt, whilst absolute power corrupts absolutely.'


It is in my opinion far simpler than that, 'Corrupt people seek power'


In the same way that pedophiles look to obtain jobs that give them access to children, and control freaks and bully's tend to look for jobs which give them some measure of authority over people, those who seek political power want to gain positions which allow them to dictate to the rest of us.


It's a human dilemma, the most reasonable people, who would want the best for all of us equally, have no wish to impose themselves and wield power.


Those who do wish to have power, invariable wish to use it for their own benefit.

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Abolishment of death penalty

Abolishment of anti homosexuality laws

Equal pay

Disability discrimination act

Sexual discrimination Act

Social Housing Act

Health and Safety at Work

Maximum Working Time Directives

Introduction and subsequent increase of a national minimum wage

Paid leave for employees

Clean Air Act

Gay marriage


Just a few selections from the list of good things they have done over the past 40 years.


I am all for a rant about the many many bad things they have done, but to come out and say they have done not one good thing in four decades is just moronic.


The merits of about half of these are subjective and the H&S at work act has gone way too far that its become ridiculous.

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Now do you mean actual H&S legeslation or H&S myths that councils etc use because they can't be arsed to do something?


I mean the ridiculous amounts of paperwork that has to be done that nobody ever reads and still dont stop fatalities, the whole culture is basically an arse covering excersise to absolve big organisations of any blame.

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I mean the ridiculous amounts of paperwork that has to be done that nobody ever reads and still dont stop fatalities, the whole culture is basically an arse covering excersise to absolve big organisations of any blame.


Like what exactly though - stuff that you HAVE to do, that you think is a waste of time?

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It's a human dilemma, the most reasonable people, who would want the best for all of us equally, have no wish to impose themselves and wield power.


The corollary being those who wish to seek election to high office are invariably the least suited for it....

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I mean the ridiculous amounts of paperwork that has to be done that nobody ever reads and still dont stop fatalities, the whole culture is basically an arse covering excersise to absolve big organisations of any blame.


You might not think the paperwork is so rediculous if someone is seriously injured or killed under your control and you find yourself in court trying to provide evidence to show you weren't negligent in corporate manslaughter.


You might not think all that red tape and pesky health and safety is so dismissive if you are victim of such negligence and its impact has changed your life physically and/or mentally forever.


Sometimes the government HAVE to do things which may not on the surface seem a big deal. Sometimes the government HAVE to create things which on the surface seem like a waste of time.


However, unless you are a complete know it all who has knowledge and influence over all and every aspect of society - you will not be in any position to criticise what laws and rules you may think are relevant. At any point one of them will mean something to someone. It gives precedence and control on all aspects of our lives. That's what the government is there for.


Like it or not. Someone has to set the rules and regulations.

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You might not think the paperwork is so rediculous if someone is seriously injured or killed under your control and you find yourself in court trying to provide evidence to show you weren't negligent in corporate manslaughter.


You might not think all that red tape and pesky health and safety is so dismissive if you are victim of such negligence and its impact has changed your life physically and/or mentally forever.


Sometimes the government HAVE to do things which may not on the surface seem a big deal. Sometimes the government HAVE to create things which on the surface seem like a waste of time.


However, unless you are a complete know it all who has knowledge and influence over all and every aspect of society - you will not be in any position to criticise what laws and rules you may think are relevant. At any point one of them will mean something to someone. It gives precedence and control on all aspects of our lives. That's what the government is there for.


Like it or not. Someone has to set the rules and regulations.


Like I said above non of the paperwork prevents fatalities (I know of a site where a fatality has occurred recently that is covered stringently) it just way lays the blame.

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