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David Haines & Alan Henning have been murdered.

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David Haines, a man who was prepared to risk his own life for the good of strangers, is now dead.






Thank you for making the world a better place and spreading love.


God bless you and keep you, David Haines.



MODS - Please can you change the title of this thread simply to 'David Haines has been murdered'? This evil group are not worthy of appearing beside his name. EDIT - Thank you, MODS.

Edited by Mr Bloom
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David Haines, a man who was prepared to risk his own life for the good of strangers, is now dead.






Thank you for making the world a better place and spreading love.


God bless you and keep you, David Haines.



MODS - Please can you change the title of this thread simply to 'David Haines has been murdered'? This evil group are not worthy of appearing beside his name.


It is the stupid belief in a deity that keeps the whole thing going.

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Its a deliberate ploy to provoke the West into action against them, any action will inevitably kill innocents and then they will call on the Arab world to unite against the Western aggressors, and they will no doubt garner support from thousands of Islamist sympathizers in the West.


Ploy or not these people are savages. They are cowards, sick sick cowards who tie their captives up so they cant defend themselves then hack them to bits. Anyone who sympathises or feels any solidarity towards these people had better watch out. People are getting angry and soon people will get organised. Muslims in the west and around the world are going to have to come out of the shadows and condemn these animals. Not just condemn them but actively root them out of their communities or face the consequences. We will soon be at the stage of 'If you arent with us then you are against us' and we will all have to make the best of the hand weve been dealt. Muslims who dont come out and show the west they are actively fighting these barbarians may well find themselves in the firing line when things get really messy.

Personally whilst thats sad and a little unfair the fact remains they will only have themselves to blame.

RIP Mr Haines. A good man Murdered at the hands of cowards.

Edited by Ricicle
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Ploy or not these people are savages. They are cowards, sick sick cowards who tie their captives up so they cant defend themselves then hack them to bits. Anyone who sympathises or feels any solidarity towards these people had better watch out. People are getting angry and soon people will get organised. Muslims in the west and around the world are going to have to come out of the shadows and condemn these animals. Not just condemn them but actively root them out of their communities or face the consequences. We will soon be at the stage of 'If you arent with us then you are against us' and we will all have to make the best of the hand weve been dealt. Muslims who dont come out and show the west they are actively fighting these barbarians may well find themselves in the firing line when things get really messy.

Personally whilst thats sad and a little unfair the fact remains they will only have themselves to blame.

RIP Mr Haines. A good man Murdered at the hands of cowards.


That will suit ISIL fine - a bit of civil war in the west

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Muslims in the west and around the world are going to have to come out of the shadows and condemn these animals.



Was watching BBC2's "Last night at the proms", last night. Muslims singing "Land of Hope and Glory". Who'd of thunked it, Muslims waving Brit flags singing what's quintessentially our most nationalistic anthem. Will these patriots get the attention of those people who will be "getting organised".


You almost sound as fervent and radical as the psycho's you're ranting on about.

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Nothing has been done by the world muslim powers to stop this from happening and nothing from the UK muslim council so they must be in support. Merely condemning is not the same as doing as that implies some form of worded honesty which is alien to muslims.

Edited by O2B3
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