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David Haines & Alan Henning have been murdered.

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Point being, why has it taken the life of one Brit for us to get agitated enough into action? Why is the life of one Brit worth more than, say 300 Nigerian schoolgirls, or hundreds of Kurdish or Yazidi men?


It's not just the government, our media largely ignores masses of atrocities, pure evil, being committed by Islamists around the world everyday, but will report on one person being shot dead in the USA.




i can see your point.

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Point being, why has it taken the life of one Brit for us to get agitated enough into action?


Because your friends Cameron and Hague dropped one when they wanted to arm IS a few months back. Now they're desperately trying to make up for it with by trying to identify with public opinion and switching sides.

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looks like the world powers are now going to take on these islamic terroists...why not just carpet bomb their so called strong holds in syria and iraq....and get the job done....while rounding up their sympathizers around the world and housing them on that little island off cuba.....see how many then wave their flag on the streets of britain....



We dropped a lot of bombs on Al-Queda and they seem to have been replaced by something worse.:suspect:

then again I must agree I think a bit of vaporisation slows down terrorists quite nicely.:o

Edited by johncocker
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We all know ISIS are really Mossad.


Proof here





Are they lizard people?


---------- Post added 15-09-2014 at 16:49 ----------


ISIS have been busy beheading people all over Syria for years and more recently for months in Iraq.


Now a Brit has had his head cut off, our government decides to do something.


What's your problem with that?

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Why stop short of highlighting the important bit?


I am not talking about the role they play in the religion now, but what happened in the spreading of the religions, especially the violence from the leaders of the Armies.


The point at hand was whether Islam was spread in a violent manner compared to Christianity. I mentioned the Jizya and how Islamic Armies allowed people to practice their own religion.


You then said "well Jesus didn't make them do that".


I then pointed out the Jesus was not spreading the religion to other lands. The correct comparision to Muhammed in this case would be the early Popes. They are the people who led the armies of Christianity, not Jesus.


So when comparing the violence of the early leaders of Islam and Christianity, it would be wrong to use Jesus as the Christian example.


I wasn't comparing the early leaders of Islam and Christianity, I was pointing out that Muslims revere Mohammad and like to follow his examples, and ISIL are doing nothing that he didn't do, Christians are more likley to follow the examples set by Jesus and not Constantine, and there are no stories of Jesus beheading people for not submitting to Christianity, no stories of his conquests and armies. Mohammad is also far more important to Muslims than Jesus.

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I wasn't comparing the early leaders of Islam and Christianity, I was pointing out that Muslims revere Mohammad and like to follow his examples, and ISIL are doing nothing that he didn't do, Christians are more likley to follow the examples set by Jesus and not Constantine, and there are no stories of Jesus beheading people for not submitting to Christianity, no stories of his conquests and armies. Mohammad is also far more important to Muslims than Jesus.


The discussion started with the claim that Islam is a violent religion and has been throughout history. The early armies of Islam's conquests were cited as evidence to support this claim.


I then pointed out that actually these conquests were far more peaceful than the Christian conquests. You (I believe it was you), then said something like "I don't remember Jesus leading any armies" and I agreed saying no, the equivalent in the Christian faith (war mongerer) would be early Popes or someone like Constantine. But we are getting sidetracked really :)


Far, far, far more people have died in the name of Christianity than have died in the name of Islam. Both are pretty crappy, homophobic, racists nasty ideologies, Christianity edges it in terms of scumbaggery in my opinion.

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The discussion started with the claim that Islam is a violent religion and has been throughout history. The early armies of Islam's conquests were cited as evidence to support this claim.


I then pointed out that actually these conquests were far more peaceful than the Christian conquests. You (I believe it was you), then said something like "I don't remember Jesus leading any armies" and I agreed saying no, the equivalent in the Christian faith (war mongerer) would be early Popes or someone like Constantine. But we are getting sidetracked really :)


Far, far, far more people have died in the name of Christianity than have died in the name of Islam. Both are pretty crappy, homophobic, racists nasty ideologies, Christianity edges it in terms of scumbaggery in my opinion.


No it started because I claimed that ISIL are doing nothing that Mohammad didn't do, they are simply following his example.


---------- Post added 15-09-2014 at 18:41 ----------


Far, far, far more people have died in the name of Christianity than have died in the name of Islam. Both are pretty crappy, homophobic, racists nasty ideologies, Christianity edges it in terms of scumbaggery in my opinion.


I agree to a point, but when Christians commit violence they are not following the example set by the man they revere, Jesus.



When Muslims commit violence they are following the example set by the man they revere, Mohammad.

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