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David Haines & Alan Henning have been murdered.

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David Haines, a man who was prepared to risk his own life for the good of strangers, is now dead.






Thank you for making the world a better place and spreading love.


God bless you and keep you, David Haines.



MODS - Please can you change the title of this thread simply to 'David Haines has been murdered'? This evil group are not worthy of appearing beside his name. EDIT - Thank you, MODS.


Sorry but its got to be said,they knew the risks with dealing with savages when they went R.I.P

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Sorry but its got to be said,they knew the risks with dealing with savages when they went R.I.P


Still no way to lose your life.

A good friend of mine is out doing aid work in a foreign country at the moment, last time I met with him I mentioned about the security risks.

I pray he is kept safe helping the very less fortunate children who wouldn't know what an ipod is...or how to use it.

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Sorry but its got to be said,they knew the risks with dealing with savages when they went R.I.P
That comment is implying that they don't deserve sympathy because they lost their lives aware of the dangers they would be facing. All humanitarian aid workers whether they are part of a medical team or those doing other relief work are aware that their lives may be at risk, but they are driven by their compassion to help innocent helpless people who are experiencing immense suffering. Edited by janie48
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Enough is enough.

I do agree with Alan's brother in law, was enough done in the months beforehand?


I think it's time to send our special services in and other allies special services, this rag bag army are getting out of hand and needs nipping in the bud. Just how long do we do let this Insignificant Shower carry on?(oops see what I did there?)


Send them in British Government & allies.

I think it's more than likely they're in there already


RIP to both Alan & David

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We didn't arm them though? And I thought it was rich individuals from Saudi etc not the Saudi state. Assad was still oppressing his people - or are we air brushing out all the initial peaceful protests that ended in bloodshed?


Are we going to keep airbrushing the outcomes of our interventions to 'free' people in this region from oppression? We simply make life for them even worse, kill countless civilians in the process, make ourselves a target for terrorists and waste billions (during a financial crisis) for no gain. When will we learn to leave well alone?

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Are we going to keep airbrushing the outcomes of our interventions to 'free' people in this region from oppression? We simply make life for them even worse, kill countless civilians in the process, make ourselves a target for terrorists and waste billions (during a financial crisis) for no gain. When will we learn to leave well alone?


Perhaps you think that we should have done that in 1938 when Germany along with Japan tried to take over the World.

In the process they exterminated millions of innocent civilians .


What I find strange is that these two now very wealthy countries sit back and let the same Countries that fought for freedom at that time do the same again.

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Perhaps you think that we should have done that in 1938 when Germany along with Japan tried to take over the World.

In the process they exterminated millions of innocent civilians .


What I find strange is that these two now very wealthy countries sit back and let the same Countries that fought for freedom at that time do the same again.


Germany: Geared toward curbing ISIS propaganda and recruitment, Germany has banned activities that support ISIS, including making it illegal to fly the trademark black flag of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. Germany has also said it was sending military assistance to the Kurdish region to fight ISIS.


According to Pentagon calculations, the United States spent $7.3 billion on the Gulf War effort (about $13 billion, after adjusting for inflation). That’s just about 12 percent of the costs of the operation.


The lion’s share came from Kuwait, which pitched in $16 billion at the time (26 percent), and Saudi Arabia, which contributed $16.8 billion (27 percent).


Japan chipped in $10 billion (16 percent); Germany, $6.4 billion (10 percent); United Arab Emirates, $4 billion (6.5 percent); and South Korea, $251 million (0.5 percent).


Now, nearly 40 nations have agreed to contribute in some way to the global fight against ISIS, but the specifics are still very unclear.


26 July, 2003

Japan took its biggest stride yet from half a century of pacifism yesterday when parliament approved the dispatch of troops to support the US in Iraq.


The prime minister, Junichiro Koizumi, overrode opposition, a no-confidence motion and a late-night filibuster to ensure the passage of the legislation, which paves the way for the country's biggest military deployment since the second world war.


A decade ago, Japan sent troops to Iraq. The Japanese Iraq Reconstruction and Support Group was Tokyo’s first multilateral military mission outside of U.N. peacekeeping operations.

Edited by firemanbob
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Perhaps you think that we should have done that in 1938 when Germany along with Japan tried to take over the World.

In the process they exterminated millions of innocent civilians .


What I find strange is that these two now very wealthy countries sit back and let the same Countries that fought for freedom at that time do the same again.


There is no comparison. What is happening in the Middle East is effectively civil war (unleashed by Western interference) and needs to play out. ISIS pose no risk to the rest of the world and our interference has been proven to achieve the opposite of the stated objectives i.e. it makes the lives of civilians in the region worse (except the ones we kill in the process), it increases extremism and makes us a target. What a stupid thing to do... again.


Our interference is already having the opposite effect to the intention as extremists begin to united and strengthen against the evil West. See here.

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