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Ending world poverty

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In comfort. In the warm. Often after a hot meal, enjoyed after a hard day at work. Maybe you've been to the doctors that day (for free) or enjoyed the many freedoms we have and countless millions around the world don't get. Then you get air your views on an Internet forum without the secret police kicking your door in.


The reason I sit back on my fat arse and watch telly (decent telly at that, in fact telly hasn't been better) is because, regardless of which set of halfwits is in government, this country is in pretty damn good shape overall.


All true. Aren't we lucky. But will you be saying the same when the NHS is finally totally privatised? When your pension has been reduced? When part of your village has been destroyed to make way for a pointless hight speed railway to London?


And while you're sitting watching TV, do you consider the fact that some people in other countries (this one included) don't have any of those simple luxuries than are numbing your senses?


---------- Post added 26-09-2014 at 23:51 ----------


They turned out because a multimillionaire comedian was entertaining them for free.


Far from it.

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All true. Aren't we lucky. But will you be saying the same when the NHS is finally totally privatised? When your pension has been reduced? When part of your village has been destroyed to make way for a pointless hight speed railway to London?


And while you're sitting watching TV, do you consider the fact that some people in other countries (this one included) don't have any of those simple luxuries than are numbing your senses?


---------- Post added 26-09-2014 at 23:51 ----------



Far from it.


Funny you mention hs2 - it is ploughing through my favourite fishing spot and won't be that far from where I live. But if not there, where? If not a high speed railway line what? It's not like our transport infrastructure isn't creaking.


And nobody will fully privatise the Nhs. If the Tories did it it would be the end of them as a political force and rightly so. And 95% of homes have a tv - I don't know how many out of the 5% can't afford one and how many choose not to have one (or a TV licence;))

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Funny you mention hs2 - it is ploughing through my favourite fishing spot and won't be that far from where I live. But if not there, where? If not a high speed railway line what? It's not like our transport infrastructure isn't creaking.


And nobody will fully privatise the Nhs. If the Tories did it it would be the end of them as a political force and rightly so. And 95% of homes have a tv - I don't know how many out of the 5% can't afford one and how many choose not to have one (or a TV licence;))


No need for hs2, no need what so ever. And the tories have already started selling parts of the NHS off to their rich donor buddy's.

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In comfort. In the warm. Often after a hot meal, enjoyed after a hard day at work. Maybe you've been to the doctors that day (for free) or enjoyed the many freedoms we have and countless millions around the world don't get. Then you get air your views on an Internet forum without the secret police kicking your door in.


The reason I sit back on my fat arse and watch telly (decent telly at that, in fact telly hasn't been better) is because, regardless of which set of halfwits is in government, this country is in pretty damn good shape overall.


My, my, when did we stop caring about other people 'cause we were warm and dry....


As for entertainment leading to apathy - bread and circuses have been a well known political tool since Roman times, it's called being lulled into a false sense of security. We ignore what the politicians and the elite get up to at our peril.


We wouldn't be in this position now if we'd been paying more attention.

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They're as bad as each other.


Of course they are. They don't want to frighten people by making them pay a really big increase in taxes to pay for it all so they fudge it. I think main reason for flogging off chunks was to avoid investing in it and pensions and stuff, plus the private sector will pay less. A cushy board position is a perk not the aim.


---------- Post added 27-09-2014 at 00:31 ----------


My, my, when did we stop caring about other people 'cause we were warm and dry....


As for entertainment leading to apathy - bread and circuses have been a well known political tool since Roman times, it's called being lulled into a false sense of security. We ignore what the politicians and the elite get up to at our peril.


We wouldn't be in this position now if we'd been paying more attention.


Yes they would - they've become more savvy at it, and generally we live ok as a country - although how much is despite the government rather than due to their help is another matter.

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Of course they are. They don't want to frighten people by making them pay a really big increase in taxes to pay for it all so they fudge it. I think main reason for flogging off chunks was to avoid investing in it and pensions and stuff, plus the private sector will pay less. A cushy board position is a perk not the aim.


---------- Post added 27-09-2014 at 00:31 ----------



Yes they would - they've become more savvy at it, and generally we live ok as a country - although how much is despite the government rather than due to their help is another matter.


This country has been on a downward trajectory since the end of the last war. Pretty much living on borrowed money. It isn't going to significantly improve in the future, as we are being overtaken by other countries, (something all governments like to keep quiet about.)


Heaven knows where we'll be in 20 years time....

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This country has been on a downward trajectory since the end of the last war. Pretty much living on borrowed money. It isn't going to significantly improve in the future, as we are being overtaken by other countries, (something all governments like to keep quiet about.)


Heaven knows where we'll be in 20 years time....


How has it got worse since the last war? Life expectancy up, people going to university up, infant mortality down etc etc. Where is it worse?

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