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The Moor - rundown


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Originally posted by max

You don't say where you're living just that you visit Sheffield occasionally. What's so great about where you live that you can come on here and make derogatory remarks about the city which most of us love?


What a totally bizarre and irrational response! As rupert says, Sheffield is his home town. Surely that gives him the right to point out its shortcomings without fear of being shouted down?


As a moderator, you should be welcoming people, not trying to p*ss them off. Your response to what was a perfectly reasonable comment could have come straight out of the pages of the Daily Mail you hate so much. Ironic, wouldn't you say?

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Originally posted by mojoworking

What a totally bizarre and irrational response! As rupert says, Sheffield is his home town. Surely that gives him the right to point out its shortcomings without fear of being shouted down?


As a moderator, you should be welcoming people, not trying to p*ss them off. Your response to what was a perfectly reasonable comment could have come straight out of the pages of the Daily Mail you hate so much. Ironic, wouldn't you say?


Ouch, can I not voice my opinions without you jumping down my throat? I was merely asking what was so great about where he lived.


Additionally, I was asking as contributor not as a moderator.


I'm still interested in where he comes from.


What an odd person you really are mojo.:loopy:

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Originally posted by max

Ouch, can I not voice my opinions without you jumping down my throat? I was merely asking what was so great about where he lived.


Additionally, I was asking as contributor not as a moderator.


I'm still interested in where he comes from.


What an odd person you really are mojo.:loopy:


Maybe so, but you must admit, your response was a bit over the top :(

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Originally posted by mojoworking

Maybe so, but you must admit, your response was a bit over the top :(


What admit I'm wrong? Who do you think I am, t020?


OK, sorry rupert, I just care vehemently about my adopted city.


Don't you hate people who qualify apologies?

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Sorry to have casued such a fuss. I am Sheffield born and bred and love the place. Was there until 30 years old or so, and worked in a steel factory for a few years too before all that fell apart in the mid 1980s.


I now live in Korea, have travelled Asia and various places in the world, and always enjoy going home. Korea is awful in many respects compared to Sheffield but there is a lot of work here. Some advice? England needs to develop a new approach - a developing country approach - WORK HARD + less taxes. Korean cities look awful but the people work hard and are constantly improving their situation - it is the same in many other countries.


I heard that Japanese have 'injections' before they visit the UK (or Europe) ...

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As an ex-pat myself, I see Sheffield in a different light now when I visit. I still love the place where I spent almost my entire life, but I do think there seems to be a lack of aim in regenerating the city.

It really needs a plan which looks at the entirety, rather than bits of it at a time. One thing which really lets Sheffield down in comparison to other towns is the really apalling state of the roads, I could tell when I was back in Sheffield even if blindfolded, just by the pot holes and rough ride. It's a great shame, I wish Sheffield and all who live there well but I would love to see real progress instead of constant discussions and studies about what should happen.

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well just to add my tenpenneth, i left the great City in '96 and am constantly amazed at how much it's changed every time I come back. Usually, it looks to have changed for the better too. The Winter Gardens are cool (no pun intended), where the Town Hall is with the jumping fountains is lovely etc etc.

Must admit tho, even when I lived in sheff I didn't go down The Moor much, I always thought it was a bit run down even then.

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  • 5 years later...

If I want to hear really bad derogatory remarks about Sheffield all I have to do is call my family and friends that still live in Sheffield. Or when the last time I went back I lost count of the number times I heard “Sheffield has gone to the dogs” in pubs. So I think Sheffield people, still in Sheffield, are the worst critics of the city.


I too get disappointed when I go back to Sheffield but it has more to do with friends and family moving on. Things change everywhere but I suppose I have held Sheffield in an idealized bubble. I am stuck in the 80’s. It sad seeing my old watering holes gone, a little disconnected that I can actually get lost walking around and driving - forget it. The moor has declined badly but then I go to another part and see real growth and change, Hooray the horrible egg box council building have gone for example. Wow, I am feeling it might be time for a trip back, still miss the old place.

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