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£1m police bill for the demonstration in Rotherham??


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Let's hope the police put the same effort and expense into catching the real criminals....Those who have exploited kids in Rotherham.....To date they don't seem to have done a very good job, hence why we had this demo.





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They should get some central govt financial support rather than it all being lumbered on Rotherham.


Did the 1000 include all the extra support people that would have been back at HQ?


No idea but yes they should not have to foot the bill I agree.

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Can anyone tell me why the bill is so high?.

Maybe someone in the know could do a breakdown of this million pound bill for one days policing of a demonstration in Rotherham, this is solely the police bill and nothing else.


To be fair they did use a lot of specials who dont get paid. Who for some strange reason volunteer to work this job. God knows why. However it is quite high.

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Who said these coppers came from other Yorkshire forces?


Who said they didn't?.


---------- Post added 15-09-2014 at 19:27 ----------


To be fair they did use a lot of specials who dont get paid. Who for some strange reason volunteer to work this job. God knows why. However it is quite high.


One report says the police outnumbered the demonstrators.

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well Trav seems to be in the know, the majority were from Yorkshire so no need for hotels.


I said for things like Derby games they bring them from all over Yorkshire so I would imagine for events like this the same would apply that the majority are more local, it makes sense don't you think?.

Police travel all over the country to football games to identify known trouble makers to the locals so it stands to reason this would happen in this case.

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I was talking to officers from Cornwall at 6 o'clock. They were in a van behind the mosque.

They left the night before and stayed in a hotel en route, otherwise who would be driving the vans?

Other Syp officers had their days off cancelled so therefore received no extra pay as they had to take another day off in lieu.

Think I'll withdraw my application!

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