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£1m police bill for the demonstration in Rotherham??


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I saw 3 van loads of police from Norfolk Constabulary on Friday evening, in Sheffield. I don't know if it was for this event.


---------- Post added 16-09-2014 at 11:57 ----------





...or that the police presence was adequate


Considering the amount of police that adequately control football crowds of 30,000 I think treble the amount of police than demonstrators could be called more than adequate.

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Ok if we take ‘race’ out of the equation totally.

Doesn’t anyone think it’s a quite a bit insensitive and a massive insult to the poor innocent children who suffered unimaginable things at the hands of these men, which sparked a demonstration by the public to protest about how the situation by establishment dealt with this in the first place and then to use such a vulgar amount of the resources we all pay for, to police the demo.

Why wasn’t anything pumped into protecting these vulnerable girls especially when they all knew what was going off, they didn’t have to do it publicly either , they could of protected them covertly and still covered it up .



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Ok if we take ‘race’ out of the equation totally.

Doesn’t anyone think it’s a quite a bit insensitive and a massive insult to the poor innocent children who suffered unimaginable things at the hands of these men, which sparked a demonstration by the public to protest about how the situation by establishment dealt with this in the first place and then to use such a vulgar amount of the resources we all pay for, to police the demo.

Why wasn’t anything pumped into protecting these vulnerable girls especially when they all knew what was going off, they didn’t have to do it publicly either , they could of protected them covertly and still covered it up .


<removed> !


Its a bit like the Hillsborough thing. Enquiry after enquiry racking up £millions in bills.

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Ok if we take ‘race’ out of the equation totally.

Doesn’t anyone think it’s a quite a bit insensitive and a massive insult to the poor innocent children who suffered unimaginable things at the hands of these men, which sparked a demonstration by the public to protest about how the situation by establishment dealt with this in the first place and then to use such a vulgar amount of the resources we all pay for, to police the demo.

Why wasn’t anything pumped into protecting these vulnerable girls especially when they all knew what was going off, they didn’t have to do it publicly either , they could of protected them covertly and still covered it up .


<Removed> !


Interesting point although to be fair the large costs did seem to be the concern of the OP and thats what the thread is about. Theres another thread on the abuse.


You do raise a point though and it is probably due to a mix of incompetence, innefectiveness and lack of resources that enable soemthing like this to carry on. Two thirds of the cases had no contact at all with social services. It does underline the point that social services are the first thing to be cut and yet people still complain. Children who go into care are still many times more likley to end up in prison, be abised, resort to prostitution, have mental health problems , commit suicide and do poorly at school. No surrpise then that these kids fall victim to outside predators.

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The clue may be in his/her user name:suspect:


Or maybe I read the papers and reports, which contain that information. The £1m figure is the media picking an easy headline as its catchier than c £500k, which was the cost of the police operation. The other £500k came from losses consisted of an estimate in lost trade by the shops becayse the city centre closed down and shoppers stayed away. People should look behind the headlines.

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