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Lauren Morelli has realised that she is gay.

El Cid

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Lauren Morelli, the lead writer of hit prison drama Orange Is The New Black, has filed for divorce from her husband of two years, Steve Basilone, after realising that she is actually gay.


The press seem to be using the word 'gay' for being a lesbian. I find it very interesting that a grown woman cannot know her sexuallity.



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Lauren Morelli, the lead writer of hit prison drama Orange Is The New Black, has filed for divorce from her husband of two years, Steve Basilone, after realising that she is actually gay.


The press seem to be using the word 'gay' for being a lesbian. I find it very interesting that a grown woman cannot know her sexuallity.



Where does she imply she's in conflict with her own sexuality?

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Where does she imply she's in conflict with her own sexuality?



In adulthood she was married, and I presume hetrosexual, then she decided that she was a lesbian; dont most gays/lesbians know from a really young age?

Or does a wonan being gay mean that she likes both?

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In adulthood she was married, and I presume hetrosexual, then she decided that she was a lesbian; dont most gays/lesbians know from a really young age?

Or does a wonan being gay mean that she likes both?


You seem to be making a lot of assumptions/presumptions based on stereotypes.


Married so therefore heterosexual? Sexuality isn't a rigid set of rules concept. Some are attracted to the opposite sex, some are attracted to both sexes, some rarely are not attracted to either sex. Marriage doesn't define your sexuality.

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Sexuality isn't a rigid set of rules concept. Some are attracted to the opposite sex, some are attracted to both sexes, some rarely are not attracted to either sex.


Isnt it mostly in your DNA, or at least it is generally not learned behaviour? I could see how some could learn to like certain things, much of our behaviour is learned, but is sexuallity?

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Isnt it mostly in your DNA, or at least it is generally not learned behaviour? I could see how some could learn to like certain things, much of our behaviour is learned, but is sexuallity?


Genetics play a pivotal role on how it manifests itself and importantly when, isn't governed by an external timepiece, but rather your own internal biological timepiece.

Self awareness mixed with social expectations can create confusion..especially for the young. That isn't a reflection of their sexuality, but more a reflection on society.

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Personally, I think that it's practically impossible to have 100% male or 100% female genes. I think that there are millions of proportions in between.

Therefore, it's no big deal that someone could be around the 50/50 level so far as orientation is concerned. It's no big deal.

Just because men and women have different bodies, they are just a vehicle for the mind, and it comes as no surprise to me that some think they have been given the wrong style.

I reckon that I'm around 70% male/30% female (psychologically) based on my own presumptions of what these categorisations entail. I'm happy with this as I think a female trait, among others, is empathy. This seems to be sadly lacking in others, resulting in the carnage and destruction we see daily in the news.

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Lauren Morelli, the lead writer of hit prison drama Orange Is The New Black, has filed for divorce from her husband of two years, Steve Basilone, after realising that she is actually gay.


The press seem to be using the word 'gay' for being a lesbian. I find it very interesting that a grown woman cannot know her sexuallity.




It happens all the time, to both men and women! You may think it's something very fundamental, but people discover surprising things about themselves at any stage of their lives. Especially if they are quite traditional minded.

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My cousin suddenly realised he was gay on the eve of his wedding to his long term girlfriend and cancelled the wedding. He must have known for a long time, just the impending wedding prompted him to come out. There must be an element of bisexuality there too as he couldn't have maintained his relationship with his fiancee for so many years otherwise.

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I've no problem with gay being used to describe a lesbian....I think some people are confused about their sexuality & things come to a head and become clear for them. Or alternatively she may have been in denial, hoping that her feelings for women would go away....

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