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Age gap you and your partner.

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I can assure you that,at my age,it is the LAST thing I want.:hihi:


When I was in my teens, a woman over 40 looked like Grandma.

When I was in my twenties, a woman over 40 looked like Grandma.

Now in my thirties, can you see where I'm going with this? It doesn't matter how old I become as a man, I'm still only physically attracted to women in their 20's to very early 30's. In fact, over 30 and I'm doing you a favour to be honest and I'm not a charity.


ALL men are like me. I've never understood the concept of growing old and grey TOGETHER. Why would I want to be with a woman who was old and grey? It makes absolutely no sense at all. I can be old and grey but I will still want my girlfriend to be in her 20's and sexy! That way I will actually fancy her. No man wants to be with a woman he doesn't fancy. What would be the point of that? All that earache and aggro for none of the fun. I speak the truth.

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<...> ALL men are like me.<...>
Thankfully not.

He's French.
He's not, really. But you knew that already I'm sure :)


Mrs L00b is older than me by 4 years. Has been since we met in 1993, and looks better and is fitter today than she was then. Admittedly, it's cost me a fair bit with YSL, Chanel, Shisheido <etc> over the years...but that's been, and still is, an ongoing investment, not an expense :P

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Thankfully not.


Heterosexual men all think like me! I can't be expected to write my posts for all persuasions L00n, you know what I meant. ALL heterosexual men want to fancy their wives and simply cannot fancy women over 40, certainly not once she's undressed. Come on, lets be real for five seconds at least. I think Cameron Diaz is attractive, but honestly, now at 41, she's just "OK", and that's Cameron Diaz, think what the average over 40 woman looks like who can't afford all the clothes and the surgery.


He's not, really. But you knew that already I'm sure :)


What do you mean I'm not French? I am like SO French!

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When I was in my teens, a woman over 40 looked like Grandma.

When I was in my twenties, a woman over 40 looked like Grandma.

Now in my thirties, can you see where I'm going with this? It doesn't matter how old I become as a man, I'm still only physically attracted to women in their 20's to very early 30's. In fact, over 30 and I'm doing you a favour to be honest and I'm not a charity.


ALL men are like me. I've never understood the concept of growing old and grey TOGETHER. Why would I want to be with a woman who was old and grey? It makes absolutely no sense at all. I can be old and grey but I will still want my girlfriend to be in her 20's and sexy! That way I will actually fancy her. No man wants to be with a woman he doesn't fancy. What would be the point of that? All that earache and aggro for none of the fun. I speak the truth.



So what are you going to do when your current partner turns 30 given that you may still be very much in love?


It's a geniune question, I'm not like the rest of the self-righteous lot on here pretending to be offended and ganging up on you because you've said something they don't like. I actually agree with you to a point.

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It's a geniune question, I'm not like the rest of the self-righteous lot on here pretending to be offended and ganging up on you because you've said something they don't like. I actually agree with you to a point.


I think that you might be missing the not so subtle nuances of the thread.

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