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Sheffield, Yorkshire, Britain etc..Where are your loyalties?


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Born in Manchester, parents from Ireland, partner from Sheffield (which i must admit is a wonderful city)

Growing up in Manchester's Irish community during the seventies I felt loyal to my Irish roots, not at all English.

Going to Ireland (school) got teased for my English accent, and so the loyalty shifted.

Now I feel neither Irish nor English, but Irish/British, in equal ammounts, and Manchester like Sheffield is just a place where one happens to be; as the man said, an accident of birth.

My true loyalty nowadays is to those who struggle to make the world a better place, who work to feed their families and show decency to others. Places are nice, or not so nice!

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I've always thought there's a greater sense of pride and identity being from Yorkshire compared to other Counties like Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire etc.


The only other County that I can think of that compares is Cornwall.....Wasn't there talk of them having independence once upon a time?





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The difference between Australia and Britain is that they look after their own...here however, we look after anyone from the EU (or anywhere else), and not our own!

My friend couldn't get a grant to go to Uni as she was classed as a dependant, as she was under 25, although she had lived independent of her mother (father deceased) from 17 years old, she worked 3 jobs to live independently and that counted for nothing!


I am 72, I was educated free of charge, I have, due to advancing years, needed to utilize the services of the NHS (of whom I am critical) but without who I would now be dead. My mother and father in their advancing years were provided with excellent social services in their dotage. My children, grandchildren all benefit from my countries generous social welfare provision. The system is generous, efficient in the main.


Membership of the European union has prevented the countries of Europe going to war throughout my lifetime, the longest period of peace in European history. There is a downside to membership and that is unfettered access to our country from other members of the EU. A small price to pay. "Our own" is increasingly Europe based.


Australia does indeed look after its own, it always has, tucked away on the other side of the globe, the quiet side, it finds itself alienated from its natural allies and surrounded by countries and people it has no natural affinity for.


To compare the UK and Australia is like comparing apples with oranges, their are similarities but many differences.

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British, not English, although when I am overseas and people assume I am English I do not rush to correct them like a Scottish, Irish or Welsh person probably would. I let it slide but when people abroard ask me my nationality, I never say English. I always say I'm British, or sometimes they won't know what British is if you say that, so I say I am from the UK. I never say I am English.


if I had been good enough to play international football - where you can play for country of birth plus birthplace of any one of your 2 parents and 4 grandparents - I could have played for both Irelands, Wales, and England, although I could have only played for England because I was born there. None of my ancestors for the past two generations were English. The only British Isles international football team of the 5, that I would not have qualified to play for, is Scotland.

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