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Have you seen the latest IS hostage video? (it's safe to watch)


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Well this is a weird one, it's more of a PR exercise than their usual Jihadi John PR carcrash -




Don't worry, it's safe to view and there is nothing violent or gruesome shown.


But if IS are so savvy, why would they release this at the same time the Scottish referendum was going on and taking up so much airtime?

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They were trained by the USA, Financed by the US, provided with weapons by the USA, who then decided to let the Gulf States take over, as a smoke screen, to get rid of Assad. The UK helped as like the Gulf States we do out master's bidding, in our special exploitative relationship


These apparent bunch of cut throat pirate, which is how the media like to inform the simple minded, in language and images they can understand are not just what we are told.


We know they occupy an area large as the UK, but what we are not told is that run several large cities,. Yep, they are the administrators, so its schools, hospital, water and other services and the list is endless, just like a government does. I said several large cities which sort of brings into question they are all a bunch of cut throats. They administer, and obviously such services, transport and the rest cannot be all supervised by people with guns, as not enough people with guns. They also sell the oil at almost nothing per barrel, but at a million a day its not bad pocket money, and this requires logistics and finance, as one cannot have million in notes flying about the area, they administer.


So we have at one end a sophisticated organization that is RUNNING both the civilian areas, and the financial areas, and have been for some time, so a lot of people under their control. Do not forget the electricity and other services all running like clockwork.


Sometimes just seeing part of the picture gives one skewed idea of what is going on, and with the whole picture it gives a very different picture. It a bit more than a bunch of cowboys shooting and Off With His Head scenario the media feeds to the simple minded.


But please let us not forget an even bigger picture I posted on the 4th October, as soon as I was allowed back taken from postings on my other sites.


Obama has wanted to bomb Syria for a long time, and the pretext of bombing it is thought using ISIS. This lays the foundations in the future to bomb any sovereign state with impunity under any pretext, and in this case under the pretext of terrorism. So justifying military actions in Syria, which are as much aimed at President Assad ultimately as they are at ISIS. Its brilliant in its simplicity. Yet again the USA is champion at creating a problem and then offering a solution!, one way of course, that is why it special.



So let us look forward to the bombing of Assad, and like Libya, another carbon copy, bombing to help the terrorists that do the dirty work for the USA. But the real aim is to totally surround Iran, and thus invade through using Syria as their land base. Please remember its all about Iran, ISIS and Syria are the sideshows, which has delayed thing a bit so far, but they are now on track, as they can bomb any state, kill any one with impunity, as no person, organization or state can now control the ambition of the USA.



So I told you about ISIS before it happened before it was mentioned or discussed in any news platform, and sad to say as usual I was right on the button.

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They were trained by the USA, Financed by the US, provided with weapons by the USA, who then decided to let the Gulf States take over, as a smoke screen, to get rid of Assad. The UK helped as like the Gulf States we do out master's bidding, in our special exploitative relationship


These apparent bunch of cut throat pirate, which is how the media like to inform the simple minded, in language and images they can understand are not just what we are told.


We know they occupy an area large as the UK, but what we are not told is that run several large cities,. Yep, they are the administrators, so its schools, hospital, water and other services and the list is endless, just like a government does. I said several large cities which sort of brings into question they are all a bunch of cut throats. They administer, and obviously such services, transport and the rest cannot be all supervised by people with guns, as not enough people with guns. They also sell the oil at almost nothing per barrel, but at a million a day its not bad pocket money, and this requires logistics and finance, as one cannot have million in notes flying about the area, they administer.


So we have at one end a sophisticated organization that is RUNNING both the civilian areas, and the financial areas, and have been for some time, so a lot of people under their control. Do not forget the electricity and other services all running like clockwork.


Sometimes just seeing part of the picture gives one skewed idea of what is going on, and with the whole picture it gives a very different picture. It a bit more than a bunch of cowboys shooting and Off With His Head scenario the media feeds to the simple minded.


But please let us not forget an even bigger picture I posted on the 4th October, as soon as I was allowed back taken from postings on my other sites.


Obama has wanted to bomb Syria for a long time, and the pretext of bombing it is thought using ISIS. This lays the foundations in the future to bomb any sovereign state with impunity under any pretext, and in this case under the pretext of terrorism. So justifying military actions in Syria, which are as much aimed at President Assad ultimately as they are at ISIS. Its brilliant in its simplicity. Yet again the USA is champion at creating a problem and then offering a solution!, one way of course, that is why it special.



So let us look forward to the bombing of Assad, and like Libya, another carbon copy, bombing to help the terrorists that do the dirty work for the USA. But the real aim is to totally surround Iran, and thus invade through using Syria as their land base. Please remember its all about Iran, ISIS and Syria are the sideshows, which has delayed thing a bit so far, but they are now on track, as they can bomb any state, kill any one with impunity, as no person, organization or state can now control the ambition of the USA.



So I told you about ISIS before it happened before it was mentioned or discussed in any news platform, and sad to say as usual I was right on the button.


Thanks for taking the time with this post erebus :). It's as plain as day to me.....but to anyone else who relies on the mainstream media for their digested news....just causes cognitive dissonance. Keep posting though!

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They were trained by the USA, Financed by the US, provided with weapons by the USA, who then decided to let the Gulf States take over, as a smoke screen, to get rid of Assad. The UK helped as like the Gulf States we do out master's bidding, in our special exploitative relationship


These apparent bunch of cut throat pirate, which is how the media like to inform the simple minded, in language and images they can understand are not just what we are told.


We know they occupy an area large as the UK, but what we are not told is that run several large cities,. Yep, they are the administrators, so its schools, hospital, water and other services and the list is endless, just like a government does. I said several large cities which sort of brings into question they are all a bunch of cut throats. They administer, and obviously such services, transport and the rest cannot be all supervised by people with guns, as not enough people with guns. They also sell the oil at almost nothing per barrel, but at a million a day its not bad pocket money, and this requires logistics and finance, as one cannot have million in notes flying about the area, they administer.


So we have at one end a sophisticated organization that is RUNNING both the civilian areas, and the financial areas, and have been for some time, so a lot of people under their control. Do not forget the electricity and other services all running like clockwork.


Sometimes just seeing part of the picture gives one skewed idea of what is going on, and with the whole picture it gives a very different picture. It a bit more than a bunch of cowboys shooting and Off With His Head scenario the media feeds to the simple minded.


But please let us not forget an even bigger picture I posted on the 4th October, as soon as I was allowed back taken from postings on my other sites.


Obama has wanted to bomb Syria for a long time, and the pretext of bombing it is thought using ISIS. This lays the foundations in the future to bomb any sovereign state with impunity under any pretext, and in this case under the pretext of terrorism. So justifying military actions in Syria, which are as much aimed at President Assad ultimately as they are at ISIS. Its brilliant in its simplicity. Yet again the USA is champion at creating a problem and then offering a solution!, one way of course, that is why it special.



So let us look forward to the bombing of Assad, and like Libya, another carbon copy, bombing to help the terrorists that do the dirty work for the USA. But the real aim is to totally surround Iran, and thus invade through using Syria as their land base. Please remember its all about Iran, ISIS and Syria are the sideshows, which has delayed thing a bit so far, but they are now on track, as they can bomb any state, kill any one with impunity, as no person, organization or state can now control the ambition of the USA.



So I told you about ISIS before it happened before it was mentioned or discussed in any news platform, and sad to say as usual I was right on the button.


Right about what? All we've had is a video that doesn't include a beheading by a guy reading from a script who will end up being beheaded by the end of the month. They do control cities - but with fear. First thing they do after entering a town or city is to take over the bakeries - so conform or starve to death. It's hardly a workers commune.

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Thanks for taking the time with this post erebus :). It's as plain as day to me.....but to anyone else who relies on the mainstream media for their digested news....just causes cognitive dissonance.


Ho hum...the favourite phrase of the "truth seekers" on the David Icke Forum...the ones that state the planes on 9/11 were holograms, that there wer no victims at Sandy Hook, the Boston Marathon bombs were planted by the government etc :cool:

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Ho hum...the favourite phrase of the "truth seekers" on the David Icke Forum...the ones that state the planes on 9/11 were holograms, that there wer no victims at Sandy Hook, the Boston Marathon bombs were planted by the government etc :cool:


A phrase which, however, is coherent, well defined, and used by plenty of people who aren't 'David Icke truth seekers-:




Ironically, you may be displaying signs of being afflicted with it yourself :)


Leon Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance focuses on how humans strive for internal consistency. When inconsistency (dissonance) is experienced, individuals tend to become psychologically uncomfortable and are motivated to attempt to reduce this dissonance, as well as actively avoiding situations and information which are likely to increase it.

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They were trained by the USA, Financed by the US, provided with weapons by the USA, who then decided to let the Gulf States take over, as a smoke screen, to get rid of Assad. The UK helped as like the Gulf States we do out master's bidding, in our special exploitative relationship


These apparent bunch of cut throat pirate, which is how the media like to inform the simple minded, in language and images they can understand are not just what we are told.


We know they occupy an area large as the UK, but what we are not told is that run several large cities,. Yep, they are the administrators, so its schools, hospital, water and other services and the list is endless, just like a government does. I said several large cities which sort of brings into question they are all a bunch of cut throats. They administer, and obviously such services, transport and the rest cannot be all supervised by people with guns, as not enough people with guns. They also sell the oil at almost nothing per barrel, but at a million a day its not bad pocket money, and this requires logistics and finance, as one cannot have million in notes flying about the area, they administer.


So we have at one end a sophisticated organization that is RUNNING both the civilian areas, and the financial areas, and have been for some time, so a lot of people under their control. Do not forget the electricity and other services all running like clockwork.


Sometimes just seeing part of the picture gives one skewed idea of what is going on, and with the whole picture it gives a very different picture. It a bit more than a bunch of cowboys shooting and Off With His Head scenario the media feeds to the simple minded.


But please let us not forget an even bigger picture I posted on the 4th October, as soon as I was allowed back taken from postings on my other sites.


Obama has wanted to bomb Syria for a long time, and the pretext of bombing it is thought using ISIS. This lays the foundations in the future to bomb any sovereign state with impunity under any pretext, and in this case under the pretext of terrorism. So justifying military actions in Syria, which are as much aimed at President Assad ultimately as they are at ISIS. Its brilliant in its simplicity. Yet again the USA is champion at creating a problem and then offering a solution!, one way of course, that is why it special.



So let us look forward to the bombing of Assad, and like Libya, another carbon copy, bombing to help the terrorists that do the dirty work for the USA. But the real aim is to totally surround Iran, and thus invade through using Syria as their land base. Please remember its all about Iran, ISIS and Syria are the sideshows, which has delayed thing a bit so far, but they are now on track, as they can bomb any state, kill any one with impunity, as no person, organization or state can now control the ambition of the USA.



So I told you about ISIS before it happened before it was mentioned or discussed in any news platform, and sad to say as usual I was right on the button.


Just a load or words and hot air. How about giving us some evidence hey?

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