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Mass shootings in America

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9 minutes ago, trastrick said:

If this stuff wasn't so tragic and sick,  at  least the reporting would be laughable.


The woman/it/thee, whatever, is described by the Guardian some 40 times as a "shooter' or the act itself as a "shooting".


Sounds like what you do on an outing to a gun range., or an old fairground stall, or what you do accidently :)


I guess it's a little more genteel of a term than "killer", "murderer", "monster" etc.


But 40 times? that's not even good journalism.  :)



I am surprised the Guardian has not yet put the blame on a straight white middle aged man.


Give it time.

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The whole damned lot proves beyond doubt, what a crazy world we live in.

With 6 innocent people dead, three of them children, what difference does the sexuality of the murderer make.

Once again, there will be uproar for a week and calls for this , that and the other, and then it will go quiet until the next next nut case goes on the rampage.

The American gun lobby have a lot to answer for but,  people who commit those kind of crimes will always find a way.

Surely there must always be friends relatives, neighbours who had more than an inkling that something was badly wrong.

Is it peoples natural reluctance to "snitch" that's the problem, or is it that the authorities don't do enough  despite knowing?



7 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

I am surprised the Guardian has not yet put the blame on a straight white middle aged man.


Give it time.

You have picked a bad time to restart your theories regarding The Guardian.

Shame on you.  I think you need help




Edited by Organgrinder
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3 hours ago, trastrick said:

These days, according to the MSM, yes! Like the who they vote for, color of skin, etc. If white and a Republican voter, it's far right extreme domestic terrorism, and Trump's fault.


Anybody else, just a victim of a systemic racist, homophobic society. :)


As always, another shameful exercise where you can mention all your favourite byewords such as , colour MSM, Trump and racist and homophobic.

None of them, having anything to do with the terrible things that's happened.


How many,  on here,  are so bigoted that they will use any happening, no matter how awful,  to push their favourite cliches forward again.



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Just now, L00b said:

I don’t get your point, trastrick.


‘Shooter’ is as factual as ‘killer’ or ‘murderer’, ‘monster’ is just emotional language.


The shooter is the person who did the shooting, which is the act of discharging a firearm, doesn’t matter where or in what circumstances.


All this noise about the shooter being this-or-that-gender is just more culture war peddled by the media and useful idiots under instructions from the usual vested interests (NRA, alt right/GOP/MAGA lot, bible bashers and more).

Don’t fall for it. The problem is still the same: there are far too many weapons in war-grade calibres (>22LR, basically) about in the US, and it is still too easy to acquire them, whether self-loading/repeating types or not, and whether legally or not irrespective.


You don’t get regular mass shootings, in schools, gay clubs, churches or wherever else, where the ownership of such weapons is tightly regulated and controlled. Which is pretty much everywhere civilised outside of the US.

My comments were on the reporting by the Guardian, not a debate on the merits, or otherwise, of the efficacy of gun laws in certain jurisdictions!  :) The repetitious lengths (40 times in one article) some would go to avoid a damning description of an evil and pre meditating perpetrator of a heinous assassin of innocent women and children.


Shooting is not a crime, it can be a pleasant pastime, or part of career training. Depends.


Check how they described the cops who killed George  Floyd  :)





Edited by trastrick
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4 hours ago, Delayed said:

Personally not sure what that matters or the focus of it from the media. 


Children are dead

Indeed fella, seems it's one of the main highlights of the shooting, but doesn't really matter.

Guns and the anger and the will is what caused yet another sad atrocity.


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2 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

The whole damned lot proves beyond doubt, what a crazy world we live in.

With 6 innocent people dead, three of them children, what difference does the sexuality of the murderer make.

Once again, there will be uproar for a week and calls for this , that and the other, and then it will go quiet until the next next nut case goes on the rampage.

The American gun lobby have a lot to answer for but,  people who commit those kind of crimes will always find a way.

Surely there must always be friends relatives, neighbours who had more than an inkling that something was badly wrong.

Is it peoples natural reluctance to "snitch" that's the problem, or is it that the authorities don't do enough  despite knowing?



You have picked a bad time to restart your theories regarding The Guardian.

Shame on you.  I think you need help




Nice try.



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14 minutes ago, BigPP said:

This is how Kentucky Republican Congressman Thomas Massie and his family celebrate the birth of baby Jesus. 😲



As guns are a big part of American culture I don't really see anything wrong with that.

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18 hours ago, BigPP said:

This is how Kentucky Republican Congressman Thomas Massie and his family celebrate the birth of baby Jesus. 😲



This is how the West was won!  :)


Too bad 200 years later they have to do it again.


But no reports of armed home invasions, rapes, looting or arson from his spot. :)


Especially when a "progressive", defund the cops", local mayor is ordering the cops to stand down, and watch , while the mayhem continues.


The right to defend one's home and family or your neighborhood Mom and Pop grocery from criminals, is written into the U.S. Constitution.



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Just now, HumbleNarrator said:

A photograph like that taken and posted in the immediate aftermath or  day after the shooting could have been looked upon as being in bad taste or insensitive, but it's a picture posted a couple of years ago for Christmas, so why drag it up now??

Beats me! 

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