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Mass shootings in America

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11 minutes ago, saywhatnow said:

I'm no American law expert and tbh this isn't a mass shooting, but what the actual... Why has this guy not been charged?


BBC News - Ralph Yarl: Black teen shot by homeowner after ringing wrong doorbell




There's very little real information in that piece. Plenty of bias though. Clearly the family are trying to make it a racial issue. 

From the BBC article  


Prominent civil rights lawyers Ben Crump and Lee Merritt are representing Mr Yarl's family in the case. They criticised officials for releasing the suspect, who they say is a white male.


"You can't just shoot people without having justification when somebody comes knocking on your door - and knocking on your door is not justification. This guy should be charged," Mr Crump said.


The suspect was taken to police headquarters to provide a statement before being released. In Missouri, a person taken into custody for a felony investigation must be released or charged within 24 hours.


Investigators are looking into whether or not the suspect is protected by the state's Stand-Your-Ground laws, which grant people permission to use deadly force if they feel seriously in danger. Critics say such laws facilitate violence against black people.


"I do recognize the racial components of this case," Kansas City Police Chief Stacey Graves said. "I do recognize and understand the community's concern and the community's response to this particular incident."


On Sunday hundreds of protesters gathered near the house where the shooting happened, chanting "black lives matter" and "justice for Ralph".


"This was not an 'error', this was a hate crime," Mr Yarl's aunt, Faith Spoonmore, told the Kansas City Defender. "You don't shoot a child in the head because he rang your doorbell. The fact that the police said it was an 'error' is why America is the way it is."



Stoking up tension as per usual. I put money on them having "mostly peaceful" riots over this...

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Yes, I can see that edge has been put on it TD without evidence that there is any justification for it. 


Admittedly on the basis of the way the article is written, but without knowing either way, I am assuming the kid did just knock on the wrong door and there is nothing that happened before that could have impacted the householders reaction

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2 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

There's very little real information in that piece. Plenty of bias though. Clearly the family are trying to make it a racial issue. 


Do you think the outcome might be the same or different if it was a white youth that accidently rang the wrong doorbell?

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17 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Do you think the outcome might be the same or different if it was a white youth that accidently rang the wrong doorbell?

Seeing as there is a law stating " stand your ground" then I would suggest the same, until an investigation is complete.

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29 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Do you think the outcome might be the same or different if it was a white youth that accidently rang the wrong doorbell?

Depends on a lot of things I guess but you're assuming the story we've got is the full story.

It probably isn't. 


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10 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Depends on a lot of things I guess but you're assuming the story we've got is the full story.

It probably isn't. 


Im not assuming anything, i KNOW in a lot of cases the outcome of a young black male turning up on somebodys doorstep will have a  different ending to a young white males, especially in the US

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