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Mass shootings in America

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Just now, melthebell said:

Im not assuming anything, i KNOW in a lot of cases the outcome of a young black male turning up on somebodys doorstep will have a  different ending to a young white males, especially in the US

Innocent unarmed young black males

Or tooled up home invaders? 

Oh and you are assuming In this case that we have the full story. As I say we probably haven't. 

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They mention the race of the shooter and are assuming it's a racist act.




No mention of the race of the shooter here...


Mmmmm....I wonder why?








Edited by Al Bundy
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9 hours ago, melthebell said:

Im not assuming anything, i KNOW in a lot of cases the outcome of a young black male turning up on somebodys doorstep will have a  different ending to a young white males, especially in the US

I bet you also KNOW that lots of white folk also get killed by cops but I bet you don't spout off about that do you.


I bet you also KNOW that lots of black folk shoot other blacks and white folk but I bet you don't spout off about that do you?


Why not?


Why do you think the left wing outlets only mention the race of the shooter when they are white?

Edited by Al Bundy
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49 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

I bet you also KNOW that lots of white folk also get killed by cops but I bet you don't spout off about that do you.


I bet you also KNOW that lots of black folk shoot other blacks and white folk but I bet you don't spout off about that do you?


Why not?


Why do you think the left wing outlets only mention the race of the shooter when they are white?

When criminals are allowed to take over take over the streets, and loot, burn and destroy at will, and politicians in charge refuse to condemn them. (see the Mayor's comments!) chaos will reign.


Under those conditions, the law of the jungle, all manner of bad stuff can , will and does occur.


I was living in Toronto during the Yonge Street riots in 1992. (see WIKI)  It was race based, on some now arcane perception of injustice. I was living in mid-town at the time. The cops couldn't handle it.


It started downtown and moved up to the Bloor Street high end shops, 


We were watching on  TV and we could hear the noise, and the sirens, as it got closer to where we lived. TV advised everybody to stay indoors. My wife was scared stiff..


I took my old army cadet vintage Lee Enfield 308, loaded it up and said, in my best Van Heflin ( of"Shane") impersonation. "Let 'em come". As the cops pushed them further up  Yonge they were in our neighborhood.


And I'll be honest, if some of those rioters started banging on my door, I would have had no qualms in firing a couple of warning rounds at them, and if that didn't see them off, I would have blown them away. Something about protecting your life and liberty., I'd tell the Judge as they led me away to jail.


You had to be there to understand the basic human emotions, that rise in such chaos. Most bleeding heart armchair lib/socialist commentators have never been in that situation.


Late edit:


Watch that old George Stevens morality play, "Shane". 


It's a Hollywood movie, and as such a little over dramatised, but It manages to deal with both sides of a societal impasse,  lawlessness, and a the affected family and their communities differing responses to their conditions.


The world in a teacup!

Edited by trastrick
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12 hours ago, melthebell said:

Im not assuming anything, i KNOW in a lot of cases the outcome of a young black male turning up on somebodys doorstep will have a  different ending to a young white males, especially in the US

I would love to know the reason why the left news outlets are giving wall to wall coverage of this shooting.


This weekend alone there has been 38 shootings in Chicago.


4 killed in Alabama.


But let's concentrate on a senile 85 year old white man who shot a black man.


Can anyone give me a reason why CNN are showing rolling news on that story as opposed to the others?


My opinion is that it's nothing more than trying to stir up racial hated.


Anyone else have a view?

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17 hours ago, melthebell said:

Do you think the outcome might be the same or different if it was a white youth that accidently rang the wrong doorbell?

Also hidden away in the backwaters of the American news is the young woman who was killed for driving into the wrong driveway by mistake


Gun crime in America is now being relegated to in others news and behind the dancing bear

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37 minutes ago, alchemist said:

Also hidden away in the backwaters of the American news is the young woman who was killed for driving into the wrong driveway by mistake


Gun crime in America is now being relegated to in others news and behind the dancing bear

Sadly it's not really news anymore, the mass shootings make the news more but more people have to die for that

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Just more MSM "narrative"click bait  that  is flogged to their gullible great unsawhed!


And the clapping seals buy it, lock stock and barrel!


The reality?


With a population five times the U.K., and the Left's anti- American/anti-Capitalist bias, they have a never ending choice of mayhem to feature.




Crime Rate Lower in United States, Canada Than in Britain

Britons have lowest confidence in their police, Canadians most


https://news.gallup.com/poll/21346/crime-rate-lower-united-states-canada-than-britain.aspx#:~:text=The results show that 21,%2C and 4% in Britain.



World Population Revue

Crime Rate by Country



Edited by trastrick
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