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Mass shootings in America

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I don't defend him. You know that. We have been through this before. Remember when you acknowledged I didn't defend him?

Besides, this thread is not even about him. Ive been guilty of talking it off topic recently so Im not going to take part in a conversation that is not related to the thread title.


No, but I'll let it go.

Any chance of you saying anything less than complimentary about the sick puppies at the NRA? Or condemning the crass stupidity of the idea of arming teachers?

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How long before Trump awards himself a medal for the best fictitious unarmed intervention in a mass shooting?


Sometimes interventions don't work anyway. I once stopped a one-way fight, by getting between the two guys and finished up in a police car with the two fighters. I also stopped a guy beating up a girl only to be attacked by the girl.:huh:

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If these atrocities occurred in say Russia, I doubt if the forum’s usual suspects would even bother to comment. It must be a language thing, they can understand the crap that Trump expounds, whilst the views of an ex Lieutenant Colonel in the KGB will have far more dangerous substance, not to mention him most probably having control of his ‘button’.


So far the actual powers that be in the USA are putting up with their president, he’ll just be a memory in a few years, whilst nutcases will still be massacring the innocents at their will, such is democracy.

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To be fair, would they be reported?

at the minute? yes, everything bad mentions russia currently lol


whether its hacking, tampering, annexing, doping athletes, syria and obviously this damn snow lol

Edited by melthebell
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If these atrocities occurred in say Russia, I doubt if the forum’s usual suspects would even bother to comment. It must be a language thing, they can understand the crap that Trump expounds, whilst the views of an ex Lieutenant Colonel in the KGB will have far more dangerous substance, not to mention him most probably having control of his ‘button’.


So far the actual powers that be in the USA are putting up with their president, he’ll just be a memory in a few years, whilst nutcases will still be massacring the innocents at their will, such is democracy.


Its not happening in Russia...that’s the whole point of the thread. Your failure is to understand the concept of “if”.

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