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To any students having parties at unsocial hours..


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Being a student is no excuse for anti-social behaviour. They should be held to the same standards as everyone else.


Yeah, I'm sure they should, and you're right it's not an excuse.


But we've all been young once, right? You never had a party? You never played tunes until the wee hours?


It's a bit like people moving next to a football ground then complaining about the people parking around their house... Get over it, or shift!

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Yeah, I'm sure they should, and you're right it's not an excuse.


But we've all been young once, right? You never had a party? You never played tunes until the wee hours?


It's a bit like people moving next to a football ground then complaining about the people parking around their house... Get over it, or shift!


If you ever go to a campsite there is a simple rule - no noise after 11pm. People have fun but respect the rules. Because they know they can get kicked off the campsite if they make noise. We need to be stricter ourselves.


Sadly this generation have been brought up with very little manners. We have noisy students (those under eighteen) close to us, and they make noise regularly until 2am when their parents go away. This is despite living next door to a lady who is 80+.


Yes they can have fun. But sometimes they do not realise how loud they are. They need to be told, and without going back to the Cromwell times there should be an on the spot fine for parties in residential areas past midnight.

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Yeah, I'm sure they should, and you're right it's not an excuse.


But we've all been young once, right? You never had a party? You never played tunes until the wee hours?


It's a bit like people moving next to a football ground then complaining about the people parking around their house... Get over it, or shift!

No, it's more like a football ground being built next to people's homes, and then them being told to move if they don't like it. And at least football is only once or twice a week, and usually done by about 10pm. Students should be held to the same standard as normal people. Their focus should be on their studies, in any case.

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No, it's more like a football ground being built next to people's homes, and then them being told to move if they don't like it. And at least football is only once or twice a week, and usually done by about 10pm. Students should be held to the same standard as normal people. Their focus should be on their studies, in any case.


So what would happen if a normal person had a party that was making noise?

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Firstly, what area are we talking about and how long have YOU lived there. There are parts of town that are student centred and have been for decades.


Secondly, don't tarnish all students with the same brush. They don't all behave like lunatics.


Thirdly, take it up with the appropriate Uni/college. i know for a fact that the Uni of Sheffield has very effective measures in place, but if people don't trigger those measures there is nothing the uni can do.

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The police would be called if it got too raucous or went on too late. But normal people have jobs to go to, and neighbours they want to get on with.


I've been to loads of parties that didn't have a student in sight, and there wasn't any sign of the police as well. So maybe the standards are the same for all the population of Sheffield?

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Thirdly, take it up with the appropriate Uni/college. i know for a fact that the Uni of Sheffield has very effective measures in place, but if people don't trigger those measures there is nothing the uni can do.


What are those measures? If people knew there existed measures that were of genuine use, they'd be far more likely to trigger them.

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What are those measures? If people knew there existed measures that were of genuine use, they'd be far more likely to trigger them.


If you contact University security, they are very helpful. I live close to the student village and have the Head of Security on speed dial:D


If the students are well out of order, there is provision in the student code of conduct for the University to take action against them for damaging the reputation of the University.


They do use this power.

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