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Who Is Your Favourite Dark Age Briton?

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You clearly haven't quite grasped the point tzijlstra was making about the enduring power of ancient literature and creative endeavour.


How do you know this? Can you see inside my head or do you just think you are really, really clever?


If your - as yet unpublished - tales of Widgy Woo can rival the imaginative power of King Arthur or Beowulf, I look forward to seeing him burst onto the world stage.


You're in for a real treat. Just wait until I can be bothered tearing myself away from all the wonderful people on this forum and putting pen to paper.

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Funny thing about this thread is that it proves migration was common even back then :).


The most significant man of that era was, in my opinion, the Roman general who forced the border north, including what is now England and much of North France and South Germany.


We wouldn't know a lot about the era without Tacitus, a Roman Historian and Senator. But my favourite Briton didn't actually exist, King Arthur.


Was that Agricola? He was certainly a significant Roman general in Britain.

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Boudicca doesn't count because she wasn't from the Dark Ages, she fought the occupying Romans remember? Saint Hilda counts. Didn't she decide when Easter was and turn snakes into ammonites?


Yeah, Saint Hilda born 614 at Banburgh Castle, founder of Whitby Abbey (and other religious orders, and presided over the first synod of Whitby which among other things agreed the method for deciding the dates of Easter.


Renowned for her wisdom, kings came from far and wide to seek her advice. She was also a noted teacher and is the patron saint of learning and poetry. A friend of both high born and low, she was much loved and respected and one of the foremost instigators in introducing Christanity to England. She died aged 64.


An all round good egg, and worthy of inclusion in your list.

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