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French Farmers Show How To Protest

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Isn't French farming pretty well subsidised by the government European Union anyway??
Heard of the CAP?


The CAP is often explained as the result of a political compromise between France and Germany: German industry would have access to the French market; in exchange, Germany would help pay for France's farmers.[2] Germany is still the largest net contributor into the EU budget. However, as of 2005, France is also a net contributor while the more agriculture-focused Spain, Greece, and Portugal are the biggest beneficiaries.[dated info] Meanwhile, particularly urbanised member states where agriculture comprises only a small part of the economy (such as the Netherlands and the United Kingdom) are much smaller beneficiaries and the CAP is often unpopular with their national governments. Transitional rules apply to the newly admitted member states which limit the subsidies which they currently receive.


If you think our farmers 'know how to demonstrate'...you should look at how the miners and steel workers used to get about it (and what few are left these days still do, so I'm told): BITD (late 80s to mid 90s), I could always tell which was going to demonstrate on the day, by the number of CRS buses parked at the back of the Préfecture.


Farmers would get maybe a dozen, the equivalent of the local garrison.


Miners and/or steel workers would get the entire region's worth (and sometimes more), and you'd bring in any and all perishables, drinks bottles and such which you might ordinarily keep on your balcony, lest you like'em with a side helping of CS gas :twisted:

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