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Muslims protest in response to Rotherham Abuse Scandal

Mr Bloom

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This is what is needed! Real Muslims need to show in public that they do not support this kind of abuse just because some words from scripture seem to allow it.

Remember, though, it's not long since "professing Christians" supported savage beatings in schools, quoting the Bible "Spare the rod and spoil the child".

We have heard claims that ill-treatment for which I would be prosecuted must be overlooked because "it's their racial custom", and this has to be stopped by the community concerned.

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This weekend hundreds of Muslims protested in Rotherham in response to the Rotherham Abuse scandal.


Well done to them, I say.




I think its appalling that they have to do this to be honest. All decent human beings are appalled by these events. They shouldn't have to apologise for some scum bags who clearly have no morals abusing kids.

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I think its appalling that they have to do this to be honest. All decent human beings are appalled by these events. They shouldn't have to apologise for some scum bags who clearly have no morals abusing kids.


They don't have to. They chose to. And I, for one, am glad that they did.


We are all appalled but being appalled doesn't help the victims much, keeping the scandal in the public's eye and demanding action does.


It also has to be a good thing alone, that the EDL and UAF and NF aren't able to say now that 'we are the only ones who have protested'. I'd like to see a non-association demonstration take place, barring no one, so everyone can go along together, if they want. This is what the people of Rotherham deserve.

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It is interesting that in the article Mohammed Shafiq correctly recognises that there has been a systematic failure in the police service and rightly calls for action to address it. However, there is no mention of the systematic failure of Muslim culture which produces a disproportionate amount of young men who do not respect women and/or engage in religious extremism and terrorism. How are Muslims going to deal with these issues if they do not even acknowledge there is a problem?

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A nice publicity stunt but unfortunately its a bit like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.


Its because of attitudes like yours that most would not go to demo like this, damned if you do and damned if you don't.


---------- Post added 22-09-2014 at 11:28 ----------


It is interesting that in the article Mohammed Shafiq correctly recognises that there has been a systematic failure in the police service and rightly calls for action to address it. However, there is no mention of the systematic failure of Muslim culture which produces a disproportionate amount of young men who do not respect women and/or engage in religious extremism and terrorism. How are Muslims going to deal with these issues if they do not even acknowledge there is a problem?


My bold=

When are the non Muslims of your ilk going to deal with the issue of non Muslim nonces in Rotherham like this one? = http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/main-topics/general-news/rotherham-child-sex-offender-sees-lenient-sentence-doubled-1-6848598


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I for one am appalled that they felt they had to do this.

Of course like most people, muslims/Christians/jews and every other race/creed/ethnic group there is, is utterly appalled at what happened yet you wouldn't expect ANY other group to have to apologise for the actions of a handful of warped individuals.


Only a complete imbecile believes that somehow all of the majority is responsible for the actions of a handful of individuals.


Otherwise we are all due many, many apologies from every section of the community!!

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This is what is needed! Real Muslims need to show in public that they do not support this kind of abuse just because some words from scripture seem to allow it.

Remember, though, it's not long since "professing Christians" supported savage beatings in schools, quoting the Bible "Spare the rod and spoil the child".

We have heard claims that ill-treatment for which I would be prosecuted must be overlooked because "it's their racial custom", and this has to be stopped by the community concerned.


My bold=

In what scripture does it say child abuse is allowed or are you just making that up?

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