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Muslims protest in response to Rotherham Abuse Scandal

Mr Bloom

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I know it is too big to have been kept secret from people not participating and the people who will have seen it will be from the same community and circles.


..and how do you know these observations weren't reported and ignored like all the others?


---------- Post added 24-09-2014 at 14:20 ----------


I usually agree with you on what you post, but I do think you are wrong on this thread.


Having grown up in a community that was approximately 50% Muslim I have some idea about the way Muslims live their lives. Since moving to Sheffield I have befriended a fair few Muslims, have visited 3 Mosques in the City and I have been involved in Islamic Awareness Week run by our Universities. So, whilst I am not an expert, my views are at least based on years of experience, plus fairly in depth cultural, historical and scriptural knowledge.


From this mindset I have to admit that I would be very surprised if the abuse was not known about by a number of non-participants in the community. Islamic culture promotes togetherness of the Ummah (Islamic community) and people do tend to know a lot of other people's business. If any of these men were spotted by another Muslim with a white girl, regardless of age, this would absolutely generate gossip.


So I would be surprised if there wasn't a degree of silence within the community.


There are problems and challenges unique within all social demographics. To acknowledge problems faced by a community is not racist in itself, using these problems as a stick to beat members of the community is.

I'm not claiming the abuse was not known about, however what I'm not prepared to do is speculate on it or make judgements about people I don't know.


I come from the afro Caribbean community, but that doesn't mean I share similar views or know the darker secrets of that community, just as people who live on Fulwood Road don't necessarily know what their neighbours are up to just because of the proximity affiliation and living lives which are superficially similar.

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..and how do you know these observations weren't reported and ignored like all the others?


---------- Post added 24-09-2014 at 14:20 ----------


I'm not claiming the abuse was not known about, however what I'm not prepared to do is speculate on it or make judgements about people I don't know.


I come from the afro Caribbean community, but that doesn't mean I share similar views or know the darker secrets of that community, just as people who live on Fulwood Road don't necessarily know what their neighbours are up to just because of the proximity affiliation and living lives which are superficially similar.


I think your clutching at straws with the first comment and naive beyond belief with the second one, when taxis drivers are picking up underage girls from schools on a regular basis and taking them to properties inhabited by asylum seekers then its hardly acceptable or usual behaviour and would have raised conversation.

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Moreover, most Pakistani's are not Sufi adherents but Sunni, so I don't know where you got that information. The Sufi minority suffer terribly at the hands of the Sunni's


You are kidding? You know nothing!!!!!! Pakistan is a melting pot of sectarian tension. It is the only country in the world where muslims of almost every sect exist with one another. Yes there is tension, but if Islamic moderation én masse is to be reached, it will be from this mess of ideologies.

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..and how do you know these observations weren't reported and ignored like all the others?


I don't know it but I doubt it very much. If members of the Muslim community were reporting suspicions and were willing to testify against friends, sons, cousins etc, then I think those making the decisions in the council and the police would not have been so risk adverse.


Either way, Muslims need to come forward (be that again or for the first time) to inform and testify against those responsible. That would earn them a lot of good will, which they desperately need given the disproportionate problems they also have with religious extremism and terrorism.

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Forgive me but you don't know what was overheard in the community and if it was whether it was reported or not.


---------- Post added 24-09-2014 at 12:24 ----------


So you're not prepared to entertain the possibility that all forms of sexual abuse and from all communities go under reported?


I do agree sex abuse is being committed by all creeds. You didn't get my point, that the abuse by Asian Muslims were not followed up by the police, and others in authority. Therefore they don't appear in the statistics, whereby the same offences committed by other non Muslims were reported.

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You are kidding? You know nothing!!!!!! Pakistan is a melting pot of sectarian tension. It is the only country in the world where muslims of almost every sect exist with one another. Yes there is tension, but if Islamic moderation én masse is to be reached, it will be from this mess of ideologies.


I know a fair amount. How much time have you spent in Pakistan? Less than me I would imagine.


The post you quoted was in response to a claim that most Pakistanis were Sufi. I made the correct claim that it is in fact Sunni Islam that is the predominant force in Pakistan.


What is it that I said that led you to believe that I know nothing?

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I'm calling utter cow dung on this one, kidley, sorry.


The police knew for years about Savile and the others in Yewtree. they did sod all, whilst he and his cronies sat back, and carried on regardless. They were untouchable.


Look at the scandal rocking Westminster, currently, about High Profile MPs who were involved in child abuse, and other sexual exploitation of young people, who were protected by the bigwigs. how many of them were rotherhamers? How many of them were Pakistani, or Muslim? How many of them were "lynched" over what they did?


Many of us live in the vicinity of an abuser, but because they come across as "Good old boys" people don't suspect these men (and women) can be capapble of doing these acts.

I've sat in court, and seen excellent evidence, given by victims of rape, and still seen the perpetrator being let off.


Not surprised by this to be honest. This is a community where women are blamed for bringing shame on the family if they are raped.

There was recently a case in Bradford where a female student studing here from Bangladesh was basically held captive by her abuser, raped, beaten and treated as a sex slave by a manipulative psychopath (of Pakistani origin).

The case made it to court and the abuser was jailed but the girl was shunned by her family as she had 'brought shame on them'. After all she had been through the family decided it was best to cut all ties with her. How seriously bad is that?

With this in mind no wonder people in this community keep quiet if they are abused. Truly vile.








What are the PC and "it ain't a race/cultural issue" brigade making of the fact that in Thames Valley alone there as been 30 similar investigations and evidence of a local if not national network of such gangs. This sort of thing is likely to be going on in most towns in Britain - see cases in Carlisle, Blackburn, Rotherham, Telford, Derby, Oxford etc. Identity of victims and criminals looks consistent to me.

Whilst its true that paedophiles come from all parts of society, its also becoming obvious to most that the targeting, grooming, exploiting, raping and trafficking of underage white girls on an industrial scale is being done by almost exclusively Asian men (mainly of Muslim backgrounds).

The fact that the authorities and elements of the Left, have wilfully ignored this brings shame on them all

Please point out the gangs (notice the plural) of Chinese men specifically targeting White Girls. Or gangs of white British Men grooming only Pakistani girls....

btw/Any white Christian church leaders claiming Jimmy Savilles victims 'were slags and were responsible for their own abuse'?

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I do agree sex abuse is being committed by all creeds. You didn't get my point, that the abuse by Asian Muslims were not followed up by the police, and others in authority. Therefore they don't appear in the statistics, whereby the same offences committed by other non Muslims were reported.


Sexual offences committed by Asians/Muslims are reported, that's why they appear in the incarceration demographic, they didn't enter prison by choice.


---------- Post added 24-09-2014 at 19:53 ----------


I don't know it but I doubt it very much.


So basically, you don't know then.


---------- Post added 24-09-2014 at 19:58 ----------


I think your clutching at straws with the first comment and naive beyond belief with the second one, when taxis drivers are picking up underage girls from schools on a regular basis and taking them to properties inhabited by asylum seekers then its hardly acceptable or usual behaviour and would have raised conversation.


How very naive of you. Crime of all descriptions takes place routinely in impoverished communities and goes unreported for a whole number of reasons, if it weren't the case all drug dealers would be in prison, all gang leaders would be in prison, all extortionists would be in prison because the community would turn them in.


Whether the community knew or didnt know isn't really important, if you think they should have said something then you can't really find a professional playing the 'fear of race' card a particularly compelling argument.

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Sexual offences committed by Asians/Muslims are reported, that's why they appear in the incarceration demographic, they didn't enter prison by choice.


---------- Post added 24-09-2014 at 19:53 ----------



So basically, you don't know then.


They are reported but apparently not kept on record. have you read about the 1,400 girl that were abused. Only 24 men arrested, they are saying the total is 8,000 men. So it looks like a vast amount weren't reported.

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They are reported but apparently not kept on record. have you read about the 1,400 girl that were abused. Only 24 men arrested, they are saying the total is 8,000 men. So it looks like a vast amount weren't reported.


..and like I said that isn't something unique to this pattern of offences.

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