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Muslims protest in response to Rotherham Abuse Scandal

Mr Bloom

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Is there actually anyone who is foolish enough to believe that the plonkers in the WBC are Christians, except, perhaps, the bigots in the WBC themselves?



Tell me why you think they aren't Christians please.


Yes they concentrate on the vile parts of the Bible and dismiss the nicer parts, just like IS do with the Qu'ran. But how does that make them any less of a Christian than those that dismiss the horrible bits and concentrate on the nice bits?


The fact is there is justification in the Bible for how these people act, no matter how uncomfortable that makes Jesus folk feel.


---------- Post added 25-09-2014 at 11:52 ----------


Correct - that's the problem, isn't it?


These dichotomies are not just the preserve of Islam. Look at the whole 'gay' issue in Christianity, for instance. As a Christian myself, I believe wholeheartedly that God loves Gays - try telling that to a member of the Westboro Baptist Church! :roll:


---------- Post added 25-09-2014 at 10:34 ----------



Is it similar to the families that rule estates and people turn blind eyes out of fear whilst they become more powerful? Remember, these gangs were involved with drugs, guns, etc.


God may, or may not, love gays. He isn't a very emotional wizard, we understand what he thinks is right and wrong, but he never really talked about his feelings. Probably because he is a man.


According to the Bible, he does consider homosexual acts an "abomination". I suppose you can love someone but still consider their actions to be abominable.

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Im sorry to be contrary alternageek, but it would be difficult to discuss this situation without referring to myths. The definition of a myth;


"a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events."


We are discussion a group of people who believe in a certain myth and their actions.


Sorry if on this thread was not the right place to say this, I mean no disrespect.

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