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Muslims protest in response to Rotherham Abuse Scandal

Mr Bloom

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You're being an apologist here. It's not a muslim problem, this is not an Islamic problem, however the entire group of such perpetrators of this rape gang, was/are muslims. This whole vacuous argument that because it's not written in scripture therefore it cannot be a muslim problem is ridiculous.


All the perpetrators were muslim in this case, it was an organised system of abuse aimed specifically outside of our own ethnic circle. The police, and various other institutions were tacitly complicit. Whether people like this or not, when criminals are engaging in criminality, if no one stops them the problem only gets worse because they feel they're invincible. This was a failing on all sides, however the vile perversion at the heart of this was a specific failing at the heart of the Pakistani muslim community which sees its own women as clean and untouchable, and white girls as fair game. I know this, I am a Pakistani, I was a muslim.


Having said all this, this isn't to say that I think all this continues, I am delighted to see much more liberalism within muslim communities nowadays then in the past. I for example married an English woman, who is accepted by my family, and muslim friends alike. She is welcomed into the Pakistani community and isn't leched over simply for being white. These vile vermin got away with their perverse and often peadophillic acts 1) by relying on their ethnic connections and understanding that they were deprived of the same things as teenagers, and 2) by the tacit complicity of all who observed these subhuman degenerates.

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It is interesting that in the article Mohammed Shafiq correctly recognises that there has been a systematic failure in the police service and rightly calls for action to address it. However, there is no mention of the systematic failure of Muslim culture which produces a disproportionate amount of young men who do not respect women and/or engage in religious extremism and terrorism. How are Muslims going to deal with these issues if they do not even acknowledge there is a problem?


I suspect they don't really see it as 'their culture' Really its much like any stems of religion, a 'Modern' Catholic would not take the actions of say Catholic church and say there is systematic problem in their culture, they would say its a issue with what they decide to believe and how they choose to act, while they may all (christian) stem from the same scriptures, there is a definite divide in the beliefs of many within the same religion, there are completely different belief structures and cultures within.


---------- Post added 22-09-2014 at 12:15 ----------




You're being an apologist here. It's not a muslim problem, this is not an Islamic problem, however the entire group of such perpetrators of this rape gang, was/are muslims. This whole vacuous argument that because it's not written in scripture therefore it cannot be a muslim problem is ridiculous.



Serious question here, where was it stated in this instance the entire group are all Muslims? Or we just talking about one of the groups who were all muslims?

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Its because of attitudes like yours that most would not go to demo like this, damned if you do and damned if you don't.


---------- Post added 22-09-2014 at 11:28 ----------



My bold=

When are the non Muslims of your ilk going to deal with the issue of non Muslim nonces in Rotherham like this one? = http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/main-topics/general-news/rotherham-child-sex-offender-sees-lenient-sentence-doubled-1-6848598



The man you highlight has been dealt with. He got 12 years. So to answer your query, its dealt with. Now what are your suggestions regarding the Muslims who, due to their race and religion have received carte blanche to attack young white women?

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When are the non Muslims of your ilk going to deal with the issue of non Muslim nonces in Rotherham like this one? = http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/main-topics/general-news/rotherham-child-sex-offender-sees-lenient-sentence-doubled-1-6848598



Sex offending isn't unique to the Muslim community but that doesn't mean you don't have a problem to deal with. There is a disproportionate level of sex offenders coming from the Muslim community and it obviously has something to do with the nurturing. When are Muslims going to accept the uncomfortable truth and do something about it?


I for one am appalled that they felt they had to do this.

Of course like most people, muslims/Christians/jews and every other race/creed/ethnic group there is, is utterly appalled at what happened yet you wouldn't expect ANY other group to have to apologise for the actions of a handful of warped individuals.


Only a complete imbecile believes that somehow all of the majority is responsible for the actions of a handful of individuals.


Otherwise we are all due many, many apologies from every section of the community!!


Do you also think the police service and the local authority don't need to apologies for the actions of a handful? Is it unfair to point out their systematic failures and ask them to do something about it?


You are applying a double standard because of racial and cultural sensitivities and it is that sort of thinking that led to the police and social services failing to act and to abuse going on for years. Why would you want to perpetuate such nonsense?

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I for one am appalled that they felt they had to do this.

Of course like most people, muslims/Christians/jews and every other race/creed/ethnic group there is, is utterly appalled at what happened yet you wouldn't expect ANY other group to have to apologise for the actions of a handful of warped individuals.


Only a complete imbecile believes that somehow all of the majority is responsible for the actions of a handful of individuals.


Otherwise we are all due many, many apologies from every section of the community!!


It isnt a handful though.

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Sex offending isn't unique to the Muslim community but that doesn't mean you don't have a problem to deal with. There is a disproportionate level of sex offenders coming from the Muslim community and it obviously has something to do with the nurturing. When are Muslims going to accept the uncomfortable truth and do something about it?


I think this needs to be re-worded slightly. There is higher proportion of sex offenders from the Muslim community in the UK. This is important as that's our only real are we have knowledge and figures for.


If you were to look at the number of sex offenders in say Thailand I'd suspect the figures would not reflect that the Muslim community are the worst offenders. Everything is relative and reactive. We don't see the crimes committed by western men against children in Asia because it's not our streets that it's happening on, so we often don't factor this in when we are trying to say that Muslims are the worst offenders. Maybe in Rotherham over the last 15 years they were (debateable), I'd imagine you'd find it hard to show corresponding figures for the entire UK, but I accept you might, but go wider into Europe and the world and the picture would change.


Sadly, the only thing in common with child abusers is that the abuse children and that they believe they can get away with it.


As many have said, this isn't a Muslim issue, it's an issue with the people who were trusted to do their jobs and failed for a made up fear of being accused of racism. In Thailand the western perpetrators are rarely prosecuted as sex tourism brings in millions of dollars of revenue, so a blind eye is turned because of money. There's always a reason for certain crimes and people to go unpunished and that's what should be concentrated on.

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It isnt a handful though.


Obviously for ignorant people like you the actions of a handful ARE enough to tarnish thousands.


But then again I bet to you "they all look the same anyway".


Perhaps you'd like to apologise to the Thai, Vietnamese and Filipino people for the actions of the hundreds (if not thousands) of sexual crimes committed my your kin against their children every year..?

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I think this needs to be re-worded slightly. There is higher proportion of sex offenders from the Muslim community in the UK. This is important as that's our only real are we have knowledge and figures for.


If you were to look at the number of sex offenders in say Thailand I'd suspect the figures would not reflect that the Muslim community are the worst offenders. Everything is relative and reactive. We don't see the crimes committed by western men against children in Asia because it's not our streets that it's happening on, so we often don't factor this in when we are trying to say that Muslims are the worst offenders. Maybe in Rotherham over the last 15 years they were (debateable), I'd imagine you'd find it hard to show corresponding figures for the entire UK, but I accept you might, but go wider into Europe and the world and the picture would change.


Sadly, the only thing in common with child abusers is that the abuse children and that they believe they can get away with it.


As many have said, this isn't a Muslim issue, it's an issue with the people who were trusted to do their jobs and failed for a made up fear of being accused of racism. In Thailand the western perpetrators are rarely prosecuted as sex tourism brings in millions of dollars of revenue, so a blind eye is turned because of money. There's always a reason for certain crimes and people to go unpunished and that's what should be concentrated on.


Not dealing with Muslim sex offenders isn't a Muslim problem, it is a police and social services problem. But the fact that the Muslim community produces a disproportionate amount of sex offenders is a Muslim problem and one they need to address.


Why do you say the fear of being labelled racist was 'made up'? The evidence is pretty clear that is was specifically cases involving asian/muslim men that were dropped so what other explanation do you have for this?

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This weekend hundreds of Muslims protested in Rotherham in response to the Rotherham Abuse scandal.


Well done to them, I say.




Hear, hear I think this is positive and shows many Muslims are as rightly outraged as anybody at what has happened.


However I do agree with Zamo though, the Muslim community as a whole need to look very deeply at their religion and their cultural backgrounds in an unapologeticly critical way, and accept and acknowledge that what may be permissable in Pakistan is not necessarily going to be acceptable behaviour here. I think until they do that and accept that, occurances such as grooming scandals will continue to occur.

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