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Muslims protest in response to Rotherham Abuse Scandal

Mr Bloom

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Abusers might be drawn to a profession that presents opportunities to abuse but it is nonsense to suggest that exposure to opportunity has made them abusers. The common theme is the culture of the abusers.


So there is no such thing as the 'opportunist thief' then?


---------- Post added 22-09-2014 at 15:37 ----------


Blaming the police and authorities, while justified, is largely displacement activity.


Blaming 'fear of PC/Racism is largely a dereliction of duty............a convenient smokescreen to hide behind,otherwise ,we wouldn't be having resignations.

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So this demonstration isn't good enough for you?




[/color] Can we look at the evidence to support that claim please?


when it comes to street grooming as is the case in Rotherham, Rochdale and others has the statistics as 33% of cases being Pakistani heritage offenders as opposed to 7% of the population.

Equally if as the report suggests there was a reluctance to proceed in Rotherham on the basis of preserving community cohesion then this particular type of offender is likely to be under represented and thus the stas on offenders skewed



And yes of course most child abuse is perpetrated by white men - whites make up 87% of the population and Asians 7%,


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So there is no such thing as the 'opportunist thief' then?


---------- Post added 22-09-2014 at 15:37 ----------



Blaming 'fear of PC/Racism is largely a dereliction of duty............a convenient smokescreen to hide behind,otherwise ,we wouldn't be having resignations.



I'm sure the marauding gangs of "opportunist thiefs" will be paying close attention to the deliberations of female, infidel lawyers:suspect: You people are unreal...

Rights-based liberalism provides, at best, reactive mechanisms for dealing with the well-organised and coordinated depredations of one cultural group against another,its philosophy is centred on the individual, and it has not the means to deal with group-level social phenomena.

The root cause of these issues is the value system held by sections of the Muslim community

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when it comes to street grooming as is the case in Rotherham, Rochdale and others has the statistics as 33% of cases being Pakistani heritage offenders as opposed to 7% of the population.


..and what % of the total male Muslim population does that represent?

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A town with a population of just over 248,000 people, 8% of those of ethnic minorities in 2011, only 3.1% Pakistani or Kashmiri

That equates to 1,400 sex offences committed by community of less than 20,000 if you include all ethnic minorities,paper suggested it came mainly from the Pakistani Kashmiri population which is less than 7500, now if 7500 sex cases are down to a population of 7500, well I for one am speechless.

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The root cause of these issues is the value system held by sections of the Muslim community


The reason why it was able to carry on for so long was the dereliction of duty by the people with the power to carry out full investigations,bring about convictions and stop it,instead they hid behind the 'fear of PC/Racism' card.

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I'm sure the marauding gangs of "opportunist thiefs" will be paying close attention to the deliberations of female, infidel lawyers:suspect: You people are unreal...

Rights-based liberalism provides, at best, reactive mechanisms for dealing with the well-organised and coordinated depredations of one cultural group against another,its philosophy is centred on the individual, and it has not the means to deal with group-level social phenomena.

The root cause of these issues is the value system held by sections of the Muslim community


So what part of western values and culture is responsible for the hoards of western men who travel to Asia for sex with children? Because by extrapolation, if you are saying that Muslim culture breeds more paedophiles then they same must be true for all other large groups that commit child sex offences surely?

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And as long as we do not nurture feminism, secularism and agnosticism inside muslim communities, nothing will change when it comes to abuse originating from these communities.

The best would be if all children, regardless of their ethnicity, would have to attend classes in school which bring the issue of protecting themselves and acting responsibly forward. Teach all the 10 year olds in the country what is happening in Rotherham,

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So this demonstration isn't good enough for you?


As woodmally said, it's a shame such public protest is required in the first place, but even that isn't good enough for some people.


They were protesting about public sector bodies not doing their jobs properly because of fear of being labelled racist i.e. not in our name. That is good but there is still no acknowledgement of the issues they need to address i.e. the disproportionate amount of sex offenders and groomers from their community.


The fear might have been real but it has no resonance in the protection of children, especially in directing the behaviour of professional people tasked with the job.


As I said previously, I've a grievous fear of spiders, to me it's real but that doesn't mean the spider is in any way at fault for my anxiety, it's an issue for me to deal with.


The spider isn't at fault for humans being irrationally afraid of them. But they are at fault if they bring up their young in such a way as to have a disproportionate number of sex offenders compared to their fellow arthropods.


Can we look at the evidence to support that claim please?


Channel 4 have some stats on grooming gangs. It shows "of the 306 offenders whose ethnicity was noted, 75 per cent were categorised as Asian, 17 per cent white, and the remaining 8 per cent black (5 per cent) or Arab (3 per cent)". Shocking numbers, especially when you consider cases against Asians have been covered up and not pursued.


One theory you're perhaps unable to consider is that those cases were dropped because there wasn't enough evidence to substantiate them, rather than the view that they were Muslims therefore they were guilty.


The Jay report didn't criticise the police and social services for not pursuing cases with no evidence. It criticises them for dropping cases with evidence because of misplaced cultural/racial sensitivities.


---------- Post added 22-09-2014 at 17:28 ----------


So what part of western values and culture is responsible for the hoards of western men who travel to Asia for sex with children? Because by extrapolation, if you are saying that Muslim culture breeds more paedophiles then they same must be true for all other large groups that commit child sex offences surely?


Have a read of the Channel 4 study I link to above. The Asian grooming gang members are not generally paedophiles i.e. the product of nature. They are sexual predators that are the product of nurture. There isn't anything that Muslims can do about the freaks of nature but there is something they can do about the freaks of their nurture.

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A large amount of global illegal child po rn production comes from the Christian church related areas.

That does not make all Christians or the whole church involved in it.


I would never see Muslims as child groomers. That depends on the individual, not their native or religious background.

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