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Is that guaranteeing a job thing still on the table? That's proper bonkers that one.


It was quite funny on the news this evening. They asked a guy what it would take for him to trust Labour on the economy again. He said for them to get rid of Balls.

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There's no guarantee that a 50p tax rate will raise more money than the current 40p rate. History has regularly shown the opposite to be true. If Labour want to get into power they need to appeal to a wider range of people than benefits claimants and those in social housing. Most people agree with the end of the spare room subsidy, bringing it back would be ludicrous.

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Is that guaranteeing a job thing still on the table? That's proper bonkers that one.


I cant get my head around that one either. Its has to the be the biggest thing of the many stupid things that fell out of Mr Balls' mouth.


How the hell can you "guarantee" a job for the young people.


Force companies into taking on under 25s?? - errm, no that's positive discrimination and against the Employment Acts.


Should we make up a load of non jobs for them to do - billions and billions of taxpayers monies creating a wave of new positions (most likley in the public sector)


Should we give them a load of zero hours contracts - after all that's technically a "job" right?


Typical Labour soundbites. All populist guff to appeal to the moronic voting sheep with absolutely no realistic plans as to how it would be delivered and paid for.

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Is that guaranteeing a job thing still on the table? That's proper bonkers that one.


Me either, but I suppose it's better than guaranteeing a job by trying to force people to work for nothing which we are seeing under the tories

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and some of the things they currently have no legal means to perform.


but if you think cutting business rates and guaranteeing a job for every young person in the country are going to come cheap then your maths must be worse than mine :hihi::hihi:


Could you list the things in your list that a Labour government would have no legal means to perform because your list is full of things governments can actually do.


The Labour Party hasn't said it will guarantee a job to every young person in the country. It was on the news this morning they will try to get as many young people into apprenticeships as are in full-time higher education. I don't see anything wrong with that. It would give young people training for work. Maybe you could tell us what's wrong with it.

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Just let people do what they do. But no-one should have the "right" to claim benefits for life just because they can't be bothered to find a job. It is up to people to gain the skills they need in order to support themselves. No-one should be "forced" to do anything. But if they are being given free money, they should have to jump through the necessary hoops in order to recieve it.

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Just let people do what they do. But no-one should have the "right" to claim benefits for life just because they can't be bothered to find a job. It is up to people to gain the skills they need in order to support themselves. No-one should be "forced" to do anything. But if they are being given free money, they should have to jump through the necessary hoops in order to recieve it.


All of that is actually the case at the moment and no one is saying otherwise. Governments though have the job to make sure people get the training they and employers need. As a right-wing libertarian you believe that markets should run everything. Of course you have the right to run as the Libertarian Party candidate in Chesterfield next year. We'll all be looking forward to seeing how you get on.

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Just let people do what they do. But no-one should have the "right" to claim benefits for life just because they can't be bothered to find a job. It is up to people to gain the skills they need in order to support themselves. No-one should be "forced" to do anything. But if they are being given free money, they should have to jump through the necessary hoops in order to recieve it.


Don't talk daft, why bother having schools, FE and HE if they can learn themselves? Why do you always try and tar people with the same brush?

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