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How many men - women would fall for the honey trap?

El Cid

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I am sadly all too aware. I have seen the devastation this has caused to the lives of many good friends. This is why this particular topic irks me so. These honey trap companies are set up by women for women. They are used maliciously, mostly for financial gain or future bargaining chips to ensure lifelong servitude through guilt. "Trapping a man" into acting instinctively determined by his very biological make up in order to punish him is wrong.


A woman's biological desire is to have children, a man's biological desire is to sleep with a constant flow of attractive women in their 20's. So if we are willing to give women the children they so desperately want and acknowledge their biological desires, they should be willing to acknowledge our desire to sleep with as many women as we require. In fact, if we give them children, they should at least give us one of their hot friends or a threesome or SOMETHING! Why is it all so one sided. It doesn't make any sense.


99.9% of men today are so whipped it's truly incredible. You've got to hand it to women, they've done such a number on men it's quite an achievement. I have long made it a rule in my life that I will not be friends with ANY man who allows himself to be whipped. A man like this is so weak and I can't bear to be around him, he doesn't deserve to be called a man, to be honest I don't call this type of person a man, I call him a word that begins with the letter P and ends with the letter y. Rightfully so.



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