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Daily Telegraph calls for riot and revolution!

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Sp one sort of greed is good and another is not? Defending what? Not the NHS being sold off the the USA, not the education system which has been deliberately dumbed down over the last 35 years. Not the fact wages are getting lower, while politicians play war games at your expense? Or politicians financing, training terrorist groups to overthrow a targeted government. Saudi Arabia beheads people all the time for spurious reasons, after torture of course, not repressive governments.

that buy our weapon systems by the billion.


So the Telegraph got it knickers in a twist over phones4U,, talk about priorities!


Shame Russia downing the aircraft went quiet after the real investigations started, and the Malaysian press reporting 30mm cannon shells through the fuselage.


Hard to tell what is important these days without the media leading people by the nose innit!

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Sp one sort of greed is good and another is not? Defending what? Not the NHS being sold off the the USA, not the education system which has been deliberately dumbed down over the last 35 years. Not the fact wages are getting lower, while politicians play war games at your expense? Or politicians financing, training terrorist groups to overthrow a targeted government. Saudi Arabia beheads people all the time for spurious reasons, after torture of course, not repressive governments.

that buy our weapon systems by the billion.


So the Telegraph got it knickers in a twist over phones4U,, talk about priorities!


Shame Russia downing the aircraft went quiet after the real investigations started, and the Malaysian press reporting 30mm cannon shells through the fuselage.

Hard to tell what is important these days without the media leading people by the nose innit!


That's a load of fabricated BS. The pictures of the fuselage show a series of small holes suggestive of a Russian type missile which explodes near the target and subjecting said target to it's fragments. Of course your boys from Russia disguised as "Ukrainian freedom/rebel fighters" made sure that any outside investigators were barred from the crash site just after the plane came down so that any incriminating evidence could be removed ASAP,


They didn't do too shabbily either by looting personal effects from the bodies laying all over the place


---------- Post added 23-09-2014 at 21:10 ----------


Sp one sort of greed is good and another is not? Defending what? Not the NHS being sold off the the USA, not the education system which has been deliberately dumbed down over the last 35 years. Not the fact wages are getting lower, while politicians play war games at your expense? Or politicians financing, training terrorist groups to overthrow a targeted government. Saudi Arabia beheads people all the time for spurious reasons, after torture of course, not repressive governments.

that buy our weapon systems by the billion.


So the Telegraph got it knickers in a twist over phones4U,, talk about priorities!


Shame Russia downing the aircraft went quiet after the real investigations started, and the Malaysian press reporting 30mm cannon shells through the fuselage.


Hard to tell what is important these days without the media leading people by the nose innit!


NHS sold off to the USA ? :hihi: :hihi: What the hell are you on all the time?


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UK Uncut? Occupy? No! This time it's the Daily Telegraph, that calm arbiter of middle-class standards, that is getting uppity and calling for protest and street demonstration.




No it's not; the Torygraph is the shrill voice of the Upper Classes and the Landed Gentry.


Have a read, and you'll see how every story, especially the human interest ones, is only in the paper because it affects some distant relative of the Royal Family.


Really, that paper barely recognised the existence of a Middle Class, and goes out of its way to avoid stories about the lower orders too.

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UK Uncut? Occupy? No! This time it's the Daily Telegraph, that calm arbiter of middle-class standards, that is getting uppity and calling for protest and street demonstration.




Wow, that's quite a rant worthy almost of Sheffield Forum, and I totallyagree with the writer. Heaven knows it's about time...


As I've been saying for ages, people won't realise what's happening until it affects them personally, and as it looks like it's now the turn of the middle class to get shafted let's hope that they realise sooner rather than later.


I disagree with erebus - everyone has different priorities and different breaking points, but we need everyone - the 99% - to band together to fight the corruption and self interest of the 1%. It doesn't matter what actually triggers it for different people as long as they know they're coming after their money. The only way to change what's happening is for the vast mass of the populace to come together, and that's got to include the relatively well off middle class.


The 1% might have all the money and the power, but we've got the numbers - we can change things if ALL just stick together.

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