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Fitness advice please.....

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I'm 2 & 1/2 stone overweight and seriously unfit since breaking my back 4 years ago:(


I have tried a few things to get back in shape but I feel like I'm not doing the right stuff and as a result not really getting any fitter despite being knackered.


Any fitness instructors out there that can give me some advice on what to do and how often. It needs to be free or very cheap as I am skint.


I wanna get fit as I'm gonna be a dad soon and i wanna be able to play with my little'un without wheezing and passing out.


I also wanna get fit enough to play 5aside and 11aside again as soon as possible.


Alternatively if you can direct me to a website that give (free) advice that'd be good too.


Ta very much:thumbsup:

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The most important thing to do is cut down on salt. You will then lose weight safely and also lower your blood pressure and feel better. - Visit my website for more information.


This appears to be a website for females. I am not a female.


I wanted fitness advice really not dietary advice. I'll have no probs losing the weight once I get active.


My diet is ok I'm just a couch potato.


Can anyone fitness instructory offer to do me a exercise plan or something?

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Getting in shape is 75% nutrition & 25% exercise. Make some obvious lifestyle changes - cut out the junk food cut down the booze & become more active. Power marching is brilliant for burning the calories. Just walk at a brisk pace start at 20 mins & increase to 40, you don't need a gym use your nearest park. Swimming is a good all rounder and doesn't cost the earth.

If you call into our shop Get Physical on Ecclesall Rd we can have a chat about healthy eating. My partner & myself are personal trainers & have been in the fitness industry for years. We offer plenty of free advise.

Good luck!

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You need to get involved in a structered group activity. I was about 14st 12 only 5 months ago which is a lot for someone at 5ft 6'' and i'm now just over 12st and getter fitter and stronger all the time.




I started by giving up the booze and started eating a lot better. Really simple stuff like eating at set times and if i fancied a snack i had a bit of fruit and a bottle of water (lots of water is great for you) which actually holds off the hunger.


I also took up kickboxing classes as i have never been one to go running or use the gym as they used to bore me. I went three times a week to start with met some great poeple and really enjoyed it.


As i lost weight and got fitter i started playing 6 a side football again twice a week and found that i just had lots more energy.


My two top tips would be


1,find a sport you enjoy and that is group based (its always easier exercising with others) and try and do it twice a week to start with.


2,if you have a relapse on your eating plan (via getting drunk and having a kebab or something) just forget about it and go on as if it never happend rather than thinking ''well i''ve messed it up now i might as well forget it''. It takes more than one or two relapses to have a big effect.


If you want anymore help or advice i'm not a professional but i can tell you what worked for me.


just pm me.

Good luck.


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Yo syko1979....I may have the perfect thing for you. Check out the 'SHEFFIELDS HEALTHIEST DISTRACTION' and the 'CALLING ALL MARTIAL ARTISTS, BOXERS....etc' threads. Dont be put off by the second title...although entirely genuine in terms of its content...it was designed to tempt :-)


This art is very adaptable.


I will help you if you want me to and it will only cost you time :-)



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Whatever you do, can I suggest a quick visit to your docs. Get your blood pressure checked out and ask them for advice on both diet + fitness regime. If you've got any health problems, then they can suggest gentle exercise that'll start you on the way and won't stress your body.


If you're healthy then again they can give you some ideas as well. AND they're free to talk to!

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