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Air strikes against Islamic State/ISIS..

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Can't do links due to iOS 8 update but Google isis American army tattoo, it will bring up links to pictures of an Isis fighter with a U.S. army tatto on his arm.

Are Isis really American agents sent to create a new terror threat or is this tattoo just a hoax? :huh:

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Can't do links due to iOS 8 update but Google isis American army tattoo, it will bring up links to pictures of an Isis fighter with a U.S. army tatto on his arm.

Are Isis really American agents sent to create a new terror threat or is this tattoo just a hoax? :huh:


It must be an hoax because Googling "isis American army tattoo," didn't bring up links to pictures of an Isis fighter with a U.S. army tatto on his arm.

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Go to war with the intention of taking the spoils (oil) and you will find that people who are against IS will end up supporting them against the invaders.


And just what do you think islamic terrorists around the world are doing?

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My bold=

That won't be happening, the days of the british empire conquering other countries is history, we saw what happened in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Go to war with the intention of taking the spoils (oil) and you will find that people who are against IS will end up supporting them against the invaders.


There would be some... how about you?


Are you are saying that the 'moderate' British Muslims that we are told pose no threat would actual rise against it's own country if we dared to invade another Muslim country? Invading Iraq (and taking the spoils of war) would be considered more of a crime than the evil ideology of ISIS? Muslims would choose the ISIS way of life over ours?


I'm genuinely interested in where British Muslim loyalty stands.


You are conflating two separate issues, what happened in the past can't be changed and ignoring IS won't change the past or make the world a safer place.


Same country, same people, same culture, same religious beliefs, same nothing to lose and eternal life with a bevy of virgins to gain.


We can't change the past but we can learn from it... although there doesn't appear to be much evidence of that going on.

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There would be some... how about you?


Are you are saying that the 'moderate' British Muslims that we are told pose no threat would actual rise against it's own country if we dared to invade another Muslim country? Invading Iraq (and taking the spoils of war) would be considered more of a crime than the evil ideology of ISIS? Muslims would choose the ISIS way of life over ours?


I'm genuinely interested in where British Muslim loyalty stands.




Same country, same people, same culture, same religious beliefs, same nothing to lose and eternal life with a bevy of virgins to gain.


We can't change the past but we can learn from it... although there doesn't appear to be much evidence of that going on.


I think they did learn from it, but the situation we have now is entirely different to the situation we had then, fighting along side the Iraqi army is different to fighting against them.

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I think they did learn from it, but the situation we have now is entirely different to the situation we had then, fighting along side the Iraqi army is different to fighting against them.


So instead of US, USSR or UK troops on the ground with air support we have the shambolic Iraq army. How do you figure that they will crush a guerrilla army in that region when the most professional armies in the world failed when they tried?

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So instead of US, USSR or UK troops on the ground with air support we have the shambolic Iraq army. How do you figure that they will crush a guerrilla army in that region when the most professional armies in the world failed when they tried?


They have more to loose if they fail and they probably won't follow the same rules of engagement that we had to follow. Fighting for your survival is a very good motivation to fight hard and they have the support of Western forces.

Edited by firemanbob
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They have more to loose if they fail and they probably won't follow the same rules of engagement that we had to follow. Fighting for your survival is a very good motivation to fight hard and they have the support of Western forces.


They don't have the stomach to fight to the death and that is the problem - they will simply switch sides and capitulate. It is what happened in Afghanistan where the Taliban took over completely. Even now, after the most powerful armed force the world has ever know went in to crush them, the Taliban are still there, still a threat and still growing stronger.


I was looking at these photos on the BBC website this morning. This photo shows the enormity of the task of fighting a guerrilla army in this region - they hide, hit and run and will keep doing it until you are sick and tired of throwing good money and lives after bad. And this photo of troops being debriefed after a 3 week patrol sums up how sick and tired you get of this sort of fighting.


Bombing will not get rid of the ideology and that is what we need to attack. And the best way to attack it is to leave them to it, raise the shutters (stop trade with them) and leave them to enjoy their paradise. Don't give wanna-be extremists in the West an excuse to attack us and instead give them a place to go and live the dream. It might take 10 years, or even 50, but they will eventually tire of it and reject the ideology of their own accord.

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They don't have the stomach to fight to the death and that is the problem
Some are fighting back.


- they will simply switch sides and capitulate.


That's a good reason for us the get involved then.


I was looking at these photos on the BBC website this morning. This photo shows the enormity of the task of fighting a guerrilla army in this region - they hide, hit and run and will keep doing it until you are sick and tired of throwing good money and lives after bad. And this photo of troops being debriefed after a 3 week patrol sums up how sick and tired you get of this sort of fighting.


Bombing will not get rid of the ideology and that is what we need to attack. And the best way to attack it is to leave them to it, raise the shutters (stop trade with them) and leave them to enjoy their paradise. Don't give wanna-be extremists in the West an excuse to attack us and instead give them a place to go and live the dream. It might take 10 years, or even 50, but they will eventually tire of it and reject the ideology of their own accord.


I agree that it is a enormous job and it could go on indefinitely.

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