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Air strikes against Islamic State/ISIS..

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Air strikes against ISIS are not working according to Syrian Kurds.


Meanwhile the Turkish army on the border near the town of Kobani appear not to want to help in the fight against ISIS because they don't want to help the Kurds who are allied to the PKK who the Turks consider a terrorist organisation.

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Would you turn a blind eye if you witnessed a powerful man abusing a less powerful person? Or are you suggesting or quoting the "survival of the fittest?"


I suppose that would depend on whether one of them had just beheaded someone you know.

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Intelligence sources are unreliable as has been proved in the past, the majority of isis fighters are of Arab/Persian descent.


It also should have been added ,in my opinion,"Psychotic". I feel you cannot ignore the psychological aspect of the individuals who are attracted to such a death cult as IS . If I'm aware that IS is a brutal evil cult-then those volunteering to fight for IS know it as well.


For a comprehensive understanding of the part played by beheadings. I suggest the following reading,"Mujahideeen Desecration:Beheadings,Mutilation and Muslim Iconoclasm. Dawn Perlmutter ,Anthropoetics 12,no 2 (Fall 2006/ Winter 2007".



So sorry. I got the wrong quote. I meant the one that refers to recruits having a background in University Education. Sorry for such a gaff.

Edited by petemcewan
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