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Air strikes against Islamic State/ISIS..

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Well it seems that the brave Kurdish women and men resisting the Islamic State forces trying to capture the town of Kobane have managed to oust the murderous thugs.




It certainly seems like something to celebrate to me, so it's a puzzle why it's had hardly any news reporting.


That's very strange. I've been watching SKYnews almost constantly all week, and heard not a thing about this.


Yet, in the past 12 hours on SKY, I've heard lots about the new round of US and allied forces airstrikes on Iraq.

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Isis are smart enough to know any incursion into Turkey (pretty close at the moment) would be fatal. Turkey possess the second largest army in NATO. And NATO would be obliged to defend Turkey, although Turkey are more than capable of sorting things themselves.


But, as JFK v Nixon has pointed out, things are a bit more complicated for historical reasons.


Except it's guerilla warfare and Turky is a large travel hub for islamic extremists. Do you expect alqaeda, or IS as they call themselves these days, to wear distinguishable uniforms?

Edited by Mecky
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  • 5 months later...

David Cameron has told a US TV station that he wants the UK to help the US in destroying the "caliphate" set up by IS.


He says he hopes to get the backing of Parliament.


Meanwhile Lord Richards, former chief of defence staff, called for a new strategy to defeat IS, saying he suspected ground troops would be deployed in the future.


There may be another vote in the Commons in Autumn about bombing IS in Syria.


Of course the previous vote on bombing Syria failed, but this time we'd actually be bombing IS rather than Assad, who he wanted to bomb last time.


No doubt if we did go in we'd be blamed for invading a Muslim country and be called infidels, Imperialists and baby killers.


On the other hand the heavily armed Muslim countries in the region could pull their collective fingers out and destroy IS themselves. (If they aren't too busy secretly funding them)

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David Cameron has told a US TV station that he wants the UK to help the US in destroying the "caliphate" set up by IS.


He says he hopes to get the backing of Parliament.


Meanwhile Lord Richards, former chief of defence staff, called for a new strategy to defeat IS, saying he suspected ground troops would be deployed in the future.


There may be another vote in the Commons in Autumn about bombing IS in Syria.


Of course the previous vote on bombing Syria failed, but this time we'd actually be bombing IS rather than Assad, who he wanted to bomb last time.


No doubt if we did go in we'd be blamed for invading a Muslim country and be called infidels, Imperialists and baby killers.


On the other hand the heavily armed Muslim countries in the region could pull their collective fingers out and destroy IS themselves. (If they aren't too busy secretly funding them)


it is odd how the arab countries aren't exactly stepping up to the mark to fight is. there again rather more uk muslims seem to be making the trip to join is than actually fight against them.

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Whether you believe ISIS is a threat or not the fact remains that ISIS are doing a damned good propaganda job in attracting recruits from other countries and also encouraging individuals in western countries to carry out lone wolf attacks on specific targets.


Four Marines and a Sailor killed at a Forces recruiting center in Chatanooga, Tenn last week by a Kuwait born individual.


These kind of people are either sane and dedicated to religious martyrdom or just plain deranged


Whatever, the real threat is right on our doorstep

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Whether you believe ISIS is a threat or not the fact remains that ISIS are doing a damned good propaganda job in attracting recruits from other countries and also encouraging individuals in western countries to carry out lone wolf attacks on specific targets.


Four Marines and a Sailor killed at a Forces recruiting center in Chatanooga, Tenn last week by a Kuwait born individual.


These kind of people are either sane and dedicated to religious martyrdom or just plain deranged


Whatever, the real threat is right on our doorstep


I agree with you. "Gates of Vienna "(1647) and all that. My personal opinion is that they are deranged.The quicker they are stamped out the better.The Yanks have been bombing the hell out of some of ISIS positions However, ISIS is still proliferating .

I think more ground troops will have to be committed to the field of conflict;

for there to be any hope of stopping ISIS.

What scares me, is the pontificating indulged in by the "talking heads "of the media. On the Daily Politics programme -today- they where prattling on about ,

whether or not it is politically correct to use the terms "Stamp Out" !!! (Only a brief reference). These people have influence.

"Islamism " is the real enemy- of modernism, democracy,and secularism- not your devout Muslim.

Martin Amis in the book "The Second Plane", makes no bones about the insanity of Islamism, " Caliphate,for instance,presiding over a planetary empire cleansed of all infidels. To transcend reason is of course to transcend the confines of moral law ;it is to enter the illlimitable world of insanity and death"(p.203 ).

The Lebanese seem to be doing a good job . So it goes.

Edited by petemcewan
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Well it seems that the brave Kurdish women and men resisting the Islamic State forces trying to capture the town of Kobane have managed to oust the murderous thugs.




It certainly seems like something to celebrate to me, so it's a puzzle why it's had hardly any news reporting.


In return, the Kurds are going to expect their wish for an independent Kurdistan to be granted and formally recognised, leading to a further breakup of the Middle East.


If they don't get their own country, you can expect them to turn their weapons on their "allies".

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Well it seems that the brave Kurdish women and men resisting the Islamic State forces trying to capture the town of Kobane have managed to oust the murderous thugs.




It certainly seems like something to celebrate to me, so it's a puzzle why it's had hardly any news reporting.


The murderous thugs returned today and killed people who had met to plan the reconstruction of Kobane.


A bomb attack in the Turkish town of Suruc has killed at least 30 people during a meeting of young activists to discuss the reconstruction of the neighbouring Syrian town of Kobane.


Around 100 others were wounded in the explosion, which may have been caused by a female suicide attacker from the Islamic State group, officials say.

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