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Air strikes against Islamic State/ISIS..

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And helping the weaker side will make sure its lasts longer than it otherwise would.

Yes but just think how many you will get rid of.


---------- Post added 21-07-2015 at 15:24 ----------


In return, the Kurds are going to expect their wish for an independent Kurdistan to be granted and formally recognised, leading to a further breakup of the Middle East.


If they don't get their own country, you can expect them to turn their weapons on their "allies".

Yes but there'll be a lot less of them left to cause trouble than before.


---------- Post added 21-07-2015 at 15:26 ----------


Our aim isn't to defeat them, our aim is to make it easier for local forces to defeat them.

Keep them both equal.

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My bold=

That won't be happening, the days of the british empire conquering other countries is history, we saw what happened in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Go to war with the intention of taking the spoils (oil) and you will find that people who are against IS will end up supporting them against the invaders.

The biggest problem occurred in Iraq when Bush refused Blair's wishes to keep the Iraqi army and police in place under strict control.

This was met towards the end of WWII when the British kept in place the surrendered Japanese soldiers to maintain under strict control law and order.

In disbanding the Iraqi police and military forces you bred discontent.

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Of the various local warring factions in the Arab nations, the Kurds do seem the least bad.


Only because they were suppressed by Saddam and the Turks for several decades and we didn't require their services at the time.


This time. . . it's war.


A Greater Kurdistan will take up a fair chunk of Northern Syria, Iraq and Iran and go someway to destabilising them for a few more decades.

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Brilliant interview given by Ajmal Masroor on Sky- nailed it.


Worth a watch.



He is right that bombs will not stop the extremism and that previous interventions and invasions by the West 'opened Pandora's box'. But that is about all he said that made sense.


He claimed that opening Pandora's box is the root cause of the extremism, which is complete nonsense. The extremism was already there, contained by the dictators and despots who crushed it whenever it tried to rear it's ugly head. Yes, Western interventions released the extremism but the root cause is Islam.


He also talks about British Islam being the most Islamic in the world i.e. peaceful and tolerant. Well the credit for that has nothing to do with how Muslims practice their religion here and everything to do with secular governance that keeps the discriminatory, intolerant teachings of Islam in check. All he highlights is that secular societies are more peaceful than Islamic societies i.e. the less Islam the better.

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Of the various local warring factions in the Arab nations, the Kurds do seem the least bad.

Agree 101% with you there.


---------- Post added 23-07-2015 at 17:47 ----------


Yes dear.


Read your geography books.


nothing to do with geography books it's to do with the mentality of the people deary.

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