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Air strikes against Islamic State/ISIS..

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Let's hope the bombings take out some of our own home grown Jihadists who have gone over there to fight with IS.






As most of our home grown jihadists will be from Pakistani backgrounds how do they decide which side they want to die for? I heard say that up to 3000 British Muslims were fighting for IS. Would there be a similar number fighting against them?

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As most of our home grown jihadists will be from Pakistani backgrounds how do they decide which side they want to die for? I heard say that up to 3000 British Muslims were fighting for IS. Would there be a similar number fighting against them?


Wrong actually, most are of Arab descent......

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Made up to get access to the oil.we have had the dirty bombs,the kids used and they fell on their face now it's pure bull. They were always going in...


---------- Post added 24-09-2014 at 09:04 ----------


Forgot the fake beheadings sorry...

lmao, dont we have access to the oil already since we took over iraq and afganistan for the past decade or so?

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I think that Assad was being opposed by a number of factions. Some were fanatics whilst some were moderate. When Cameron wanted Parliament's approval to fight Assad and support the rebels he had little clue who the rebels were or how he would differentiate between the rival rebal groups. That was one of the main reasons his plans were rejected. People could see that Assad was a butcher, but they also realised that some of his opponents were crazier than a bag of frogs.


Excellent and accurate post.


---------- Post added 24-09-2014 at 20:18 ----------


So not from Pakistan. India or Bangladesh then?





most Muslims being immigrants from South Asia (in particular Pakistan, Bangladesh and India) or descendants of immigrants from that region.


India?. Why would Hindus go and join IS? There's, what, about 10-15% of Indians that are Muslim.

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Wrong actually, most are of Arab descent......


Shiraz Maher of the Centre for the Study of Radicalisation at King's College London, says Syria has become a magnet for young Muslims across the world eager to take part in jihad - a holy war, or struggle to defend Islam.

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He says: "At the moment Syria seems to dominate the global jihadist mind, it is the premier location in the world to go and fight jihad today."


Mr Maher says: "One of the interesting things we've seen is that other jihadist groups, such as al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and (al-Shabab) in Somalia have issued a communique saying, 'Listen, don't forget about us, we also need foreign fighters, don't all go to Syria.'"


He says intelligence sources have told him most British jihadists are in their 20s, university-educated and Muslims of British Pakistani origin.





Intelligence sources say most British jihadists are in their 20s, university-educated and Muslims of British Pakistani origin.

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Shiraz Maher of the Centre for the Study of Radicalisation at King's College London, says Syria has become a magnet for young Muslims across the world eager to take part in jihad - a holy war, or struggle to defend Islam.

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He says: "At the moment Syria seems to dominate the global jihadist mind, it is the premier location in the world to go and fight jihad today."


Mr Maher says: "One of the interesting things we've seen is that other jihadist groups, such as al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and (al-Shabab) in Somalia have issued a communique saying, 'Listen, don't forget about us, we also need foreign fighters, don't all go to Syria.'"


He says intelligence sources have told him most British jihadists are in their 20s, university-educated and Muslims of British Pakistani origin.





Intelligence sources say most British jihadists are in their 20s, university-educated and Muslims of British Pakistani origin.


Intelligence sources are unreliable as has been proved in the past, the majority of isis fighters are of Arab/Persian descent.

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Intelligence sources are unreliable as has been proved in the past, the majority of isis fighters are of Arab/Persian descent.


But who do I trust to give me reliable information, the BBC and our intelligence serves or an anonymous user of SF. Its quite the dilemma but the BBC and our intelligence serves just beat you when it comes to reliable information.

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As most of our home grown jihadists will be from Pakistani backgrounds how do they decide which side they want to die for? I heard say that up to 3000 British Muslims were fighting for IS. Would there be a similar number fighting against them?


JUst cos someone says something doesnt make it true,especially if they have motive for saying it.


---------- Post added 24-09-2014 at 20:54 ----------


But who do I trust to give me reliable information, the BBC and our intelligence serves or an anonymous user of SF. Its quite the dilemma but the BBC and our intelligence serves just beat you when it comes to reliable information.


THe BBC reliable? Mate what planet are you from?

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JUst cos someone says something doesnt make it true,especially if they have motive for saying it.


---------- Post added 24-09-2014 at 20:54 ----------



THe BBC reliable? Mate what planet are you from?


The planet in which the BBC are far more reliable than anonymous forum users, unless you can prove that their information is wrong all that I can do it trust that it is accurate.

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