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Air strikes against Islamic State/ISIS..

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---------- Post added 25-09-2014 at 15:13 ----------


Some time back, didn't Assad say that the rebels he was fighting, were terrorists?


While our media gave the impression they were freedom fighters trying to overthrow a corrupt government, and that Assad calling them terrorists, was just his propaganda machine doing it's thing?


If that wasn't the case, were we being deceived then? Or now?



I also find it odd Isis has no beef with Israel

plus Saudi, Qatar, Bahrain, the Royal Arab states never seem that bothered about Israel or Palestine and ISIS appears aligned with the policies and philosophy of the Royal Arab states, and these are broadly allied with the US and Britain, who support, fund, arm and protect Israel, and it is well known they supported, financed and trained ISiS.:suspect::huh:


---------- Post added 25-09-2014 at 15:33 ----------


The ISIL situation looks like a "Vietnam plus" situation.

The great military might of the US could not defeat the Vietnamese and the situation with ISIL is actually much worse.

Once the war with ISIL steps up I am sure they will ditch their current distinctive "uniforms" and blend in with the locals so you have no idea who is actually the enemy.

The Vietnamese were confined to one nation.

ISIL is drawing members from Muslim communities around the world and so there is no fixed enemy.

The conflict in Vietnam was confined to one nation.

When ISIL extremists return home they can start up their own terrorist cells in their country of origin. 9/11 was carried out by a very small group so we shouldn't kid ourselves we are not in danger.




"You may have won the war men but, you cannot rejoice; for the bitch that bore the ******* is on heat again.":hihi:

-Bertold Brecht.

Edited by johncocker
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As I try to tell everyone the idea is to bomb Syria on whatever excuse, then its on to the real prize Iran.


But its illegal to bomb a sovereign state that has not threatened, or antagonised either the US or UK or any other vassal states. UN charter, which the USA trashes, misinterprets, anyway who will stop them doing what they like.


But talk about being selective, there are oil refineries in Iraq and Syria, strangely in Iraq they belong to the Kurds although operated for months by IsIS. The Kurds please were heard by their masters and guess what their refineries are NOT being bombed, WHY because they can maybe get them back and get loads of money from the oil.


Meanwhile, Syria of course begged that their infrastructure be destroyed, and you go it the USA is doing what it intends to do, smash the infrastructure of Syria up, so Libya mark2 is happening right before your eyes and ears and you just cannot see it.


ISIS is funded by the gulf states mainly these days Quatar. Then that pays the piper call the tune, and who which state is Quatar just another vassal state to?????


At this rate the war with Iran should be ready to go after Syria now being destroyed in a year or so, as they will give the plebs another load of lies to justify yet another IRAQ< LIBYA, AFGHANISTAN, as Syria is waiting for US military bases all over the place just like in the UK and other vassal states.

Edited by erebus
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As I try to tell everyone the idea is to bomb Syria on whatever excuse, then its on to the real prize Iran.


But its illegal to bomb a sovereign state that has not threatened, or antagonised either the US or UK or any other vassal states. UN charter, which the USA trashes, misinterprets, anyway who will stop them doing what they like.


But talk about being selective, there are oil refineries in Iraq and Syria, strangely in Iran they belong to the Kurds although operated for months by IsIS. The Kurds please were heard by their masters and guess what their refineries are NOT being bombed, WHY because they can maybe get them back and get loads of money from the oil.


Meanwhile, Syria of course begged that their infrastructure be destroyed, and you go it the USA is doing what it intends to do, smash the infrastructure of Syria up, so Libya mark2 is happening right before your eyes and ears and you just cannot see it.


ISIS is funded by the gulf states mainly these days Quatar. Then that pays the piper call the tune, and who which state is Quatar just another vassal state to?????


At this rate the war with Iran should be ready to go after Syria now being destroyed in a year or so, as they will give the plebs another load of lies to justify yet another IRAQ< LIBYA, AFGHANISTAN, as Syria is waiting for US military bases all over the place just like in the UK and other vassal states.


There are no Kurdish oilfields or refineries in Iran.

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Your opinion of course.Others will see it as a bias political mouthpiece.


You dont need proof just common sense.


Watch fox news if you want to see 1st class biased news and the americans love it.By comparison to fox the bbc is like a breath of fresh air.But its like you say xt,common sense should tell you to verify everything you see on the news.

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Why on earth would we need a stealth bomber? Not like IS has a sophisticated anti aircraft system, just a bloke with good eyesight and a machine gun. Tornadoes will do the job from Saudi, Turkey and possibly Cyprus.
Even primitives like IS can be tipped-off by other governments that do have the technology, or insiders in their radar units. But I was thinking of versatility, in an uncertain world, with an uncertain future...


---------- Post added 25-09-2014 at 21:06 ----------


It is reported that several British jihadists have been killed in the recent airstrikes, according to BBC.
Yay! :clap::clap::clap:


---------- Post added 25-09-2014 at 21:07 ----------


The more of these religious nuts that want to drag the world back a thousand years that are killed by bombing will leave less for soldiers to face when they land.
Absolutely! It's a good thing.


---------- Post added 25-09-2014 at 21:08 ----------


We've never had plans for a long range stealth bomber!
How the hell would you know!
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How the hell would you know!


A mixture of reading around the subject and common sense.


The last British warplane that we designed and built ourselves was probably the Hawk, which primary use was a trainer. The last full time dedicated warplane, maybe the Harrier, but then the Americans really pushed the design forward, so the last warplane may even be the English Electric Lightening!


Building a long range stealth Bomber would almost certainly be beyond the finical reach of this country, especially when you consider that the American's B2 bomber costs over $2 billion per bomber when you take development costs into account.


If you are interested one of the successors to the Avro Vulcan is actually the Tornado in the interdictor/strike version.

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As the person who started this thread, but left it up to discussion, I feel I should throw my hat in the ring and say what I think.


I approve of air strikes and I'd approve of troops on the ground.


This terrorist group should be destroyed. I'd prefer it if all the oil rich countries of the Middle East who spent so much money on missiles and aircraft could do it themselves....but apparently they can't because all those weapons are being used to subjugate their own people.


In the short term we "we" need to combat a threat, but until the Middle East is ever dragged kicking and screaming in to the 21st Century then we'll always have to go and sort out their ****

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