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Anjem Choudary held in London terror raids


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"Anjem Choudary is a deeply controversial Islamic figure, a man who many Muslims despise because they believe he causes enormous damage to their position in British society."




Been saying the same for years, "We're not all the same" etc. Not sure what the state can get on him. Literature maybe

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The Home Secretary has the power to strip British nationals of their citizenships if they're deemed a threat to national security.

i heard its illegal in international law to strip somebody of all citizenship, if they dont have dual nationality?

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The Home Secretary has the power to strip British nationals of their citizenships if they're deemed a threat to national security.


For the sake of argument assuming that you are right, where do you send someone who isn't a citizen of any country?

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Although I agree with the sentiment, a government has to act within the law, or we are on a very slippery slope.


True. If he's born and bred in this country (which he is) we're stuck with him no matter how big a nob he is. As much as I find the thought of young Muslims going to Syria to kill mainly other Muslims and assorted aid workers/infedel sat least they've got the balls to go. Matey here won't, just make life very difficult for his fellow Muslims ultimately.

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