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Rotherham Abuse Cases, Now Bradford..

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It was revealed on Toby Fosters show this morning that Bradford is the latest area where Rotherham-like abuse cases have been happening over a period of time (20yrs in this instance), I think its brilliant that Toby is keeping attention on this as I have a real fear it could be brushed under the carpet otherwise.

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It was revealed on Toby Fosters show this morning that Bradford is the latest area where Rotherham-like abuse cases have been happening over a period of time (20yrs in this instance), I think its brilliant that Toby is keeping attention on this as I have a real fear it could be brushed under the carpet otherwise.


It seems that similar cases ae not uncommon and nor is the desire to divert attention and prevent discussion. Well done Toby Foster. No doubt his radio station will be leaned upon to prevent further mention.

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It seems that similar cases ae not uncommon and nor is the desire to divert attention and prevent discussion. Well done Toby Foster. No doubt his radio station will be leaned upon to prevent further mention.


Interesting. Do you feel that certain outlets are being pressurised to stifle debate?

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A bit about it here:




I caught part of an interview where those in charge in Sheffield stated that they dealt with problems here.


Because I didn't hear the whole of the interview, I'm not sure what dealing with it actually entailed.


If it means moving the girls away to another city, as one care home worker suggested, I wouldn't call that 'dealing with it.'


Dealing with it in my book is:


1. Finding the perpetrators of the actions.

2. Arresting them.

3. Charging them.

4. Convicting them.





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Unfortunately this has been going on for many years.

I am turned 60 and when I was about 14 a friend of mine at school who was living in a children's home turned up on our doorstep one night. She had run away from the home due to abuse and didn't know where else to go.

Fortunately there was a wonderful teacher who we both knew we could trust and we went to her at school next day and she dealt with the situation. As far as I am aware there was no big enquiry but my friend was moved into foster care away from the home.

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Unfortunately this has been going on for many years.

I am turned 60 and when I was about 14 a friend of mine at school who was living in a children's home turned up on our doorstep one night. She had run away from the home due to abuse and didn't know where else to go.

Fortunately there was a wonderful teacher who we both knew we could trust and we went to her at school next day and she dealt with the situation. As far as I am aware there was no big enquiry but my friend was moved into foster care away from the home.


It goes on all over and the staff know full well it goes on. The police know full well, but do nothing.


I remember once when I lived in Bradford and a friends child looked to be going down the same route and disappearing. When this got brought up with the police, their reply was "well what do you want us to do about it if she's going to see them".


They knew full well what was happening (they brought her home a number of times drunk) but nothing was done as it was "her fault" (West Yorkshire Police's words). Not bad for a 14 year old.

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