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Tell Me About Yourself?

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I'm 28 from Sheffield, I have well over 12 pairs of socks , I'm fit and healthy. I once got off the bus 1 stop too early and had to walk 3 minutes to the next stop (I know, what a plonker). I have a modest appreciation for the exclamation mark!!! I have a recurring dream of being chased by a pack of wild boars but for some reason they don't want to kill me they want my autograph and are carrying pens and little pads of paper, every night I wake up in a cold sweat.

My aspirations for the future, I'm planning on trying jam on toast for the first time soon just trying to build up the courage, I know its nothing major but when you've never done something before you're bound to be nervous. I would also one day like to manufacture and sell my own brand of balaclavas as I feel they've unfairly had a bit of bad press lately and I'd like to restore public faith in a once loved head garment. I know, I know, if I had a £ for every time someone told me that was a silly idea I'd now have £4.

So that's me in a nutshell... Did I get the job?


Genius !!! :hihi:

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