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First-time buyers under 40 offered 20% Discount!


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100,000 houses @ 200k each(example) is 20 Billion pounds people. That is 20 thousand million squid. The country cannot afford it, even if it gets the cons re elected. I`ll believe the empty promises when I see it.


I`m voting Nige

Edited by mart
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Well all the greedy people can see is pound signs, when the whole point is to shackle people to debt. Let us not forget most will have 50K or more student loans on top of this.


It makes people see greed, whereas you should be asking one question, WHAT HAPPENED TO SOCIAL HOUSING? Not the hypothetical concept of being told one is sold a cheaper house except as the price will have been inflated anyway. It about growing the economy though DEBT.


There are more people in work than ever, yet the income tax received by the Inland Revenue is at an all time low, because wages are so low. Meanwhile this discrepancy in the tax revenue received does not cover the government outgoings, hence the deficit we are all apparently paying for through cuts has more than doubled.


The government regardless of which idiots are in power are there to exploit us all, rip us off, and the only way out is default, or what some call a bail in. One has to produce wealth, not run an economy on debt!!!!!!

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The government regardless of which idiots are in power are there to exploit us all, rip us off, and the only way out is default, or what some call a bail in. One has to produce wealth, not run an economy on debt!!!!!!


They're just buying votes for next year, I wouldn't get too concerned.

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Well all the greedy people can see is pound signs, when the whole point is to shackle people to debt. Let us not forget most will have 50K or more student loans on top of this.



How do you work that out? I'm 38 and have zero debt, I still qualify for this "deal" or do you only think people 25 and under will be using this offer?


Also do you think that a student with 50k loans still wont go out and buy a house?

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The one I saw for sale a couple of years ago had to be authorised by the council, it was a resale flat in a recently built private block, it was being sold at 50% market value and the buyer had to be under thirty, a first time buyer, had to live in it and couldn't rent it out.


That would need the permission because it was only owned privately 50%.

This won't be the case with these new homes, it's a discount in exchange for a tax advantage, not a case that the government takes 20% ownership of the house.

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Well all the greedy people can see is pound signs, when the whole point is to shackle people to debt. Let us not forget most will have 50K or more student loans on top of this.

Shackled to debt to buy an house or Shackled to monthly rent, either way you are shackled to a monthly outgoing if you want somewhere to live.



There are more people in work than ever, yet the income tax received by the Inland Revenue is at an all time low,

No it isn't, it is at an all time high.



The government regardless of which idiots are in power are there to exploit us all, rip us off, and the only way out is default, or what some call a bail in. One has to produce wealth, not run an economy on debt!!!!!!


How are you being ripped off, do you pay more in tax than the services you receive?


---------- Post added 28-09-2014 at 09:29 ----------


That would need the permission because it was only owned privately 50%.

This won't be the case with these new homes, it's a discount in exchange for a tax advantage, not a case that the government takes 20% ownership of the house.


No it was 100% ownership but with a covenant that it can only be resold at 50% of its market value and only to certain people.

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There are more people in work than ever, yet the income tax received by the Inland Revenue is at an all time low, because wages are so low. Meanwhile this discrepancy in the tax revenue received does not cover the government outgoings, hence the deficit we are all apparently paying for through cuts has more than doubled.QUOTE]


The fact that self employment is at the highest level since records began (see link) is a massive opportunity for people to avoid paying the correct amount of tax due. Ironically, such people can be earning massive amounts, but stating that they only work X amount of hours and then get paid tax credits from the government. What a mess, and the black hole will get bigger and deeper.



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