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People smoking on holiday


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There's been a suggestion that there should be a cut off point where people born after a certain date can't legally buy cigarettes.

Say for example this is set to 1996 - people who already smoke would be unaffected, but it would stop young people from ever starting. So this year only over 18s could buy fags, next year over 19's, in ten years you'd have to be over 28 and so on.


That way those who choose to smoke can carry one stinking the place up and killing themselves, but they won't be replaced by new smokers - within 20 years there would be hardly any left.


No doubt some people would still start, but no where near as many.

I'd also say we should reintroduce strict limits on imports from Europe, but only allow say 100 fags to be brought in - effectively killing the grey import market.


I would also like to see work places remove those smoking shelters, and for people to be prosecuted for littering if they drop ends in public.


To attempt to change the EUROPEAN law could prove difficult as you can purchase as many cigarettes as you like providing they are for personal use.

Most of Europe have smoking bans but they do not enforce them as much as the UK and you can find smoking in bars in most countries in the European union as there is still far more people smoke than there is in the UK.

I have smoked since 57/8 and I will obey the laws of the country in which I am in and I would not smoke in a restaurant but outside no problem.

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Last time I checked, cannabis was illegal for anyone of any age to buy and it wasn't available in any shops in this country.


Last time I checked, cannabis was still a very popular drug and it's usage wasn't really decreasing.........just saying.

I wondered when this would get round to cannabis usage ... just saying!

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Smokers have always been selfish.I know.I used to be one myself.


What an astute comment.

Whenever this topic comes up I always read the comments carefully.

Ten years ago I would have written what Bonzo does almost word for word.

Eight years ago I escaped a 30 a day addiction.

I am about £25,000 better off and now a very healthy person.

Spot the fool.

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What an astute comment.

Whenever this topic comes up I always read the comments carefully.

Ten years ago I would have written what Bonzo does almost word for word.

Eight years ago I escaped a 30 a day addiction.

I am about £25,000 better off and now a very healthy person.

Spot the fool.


I smoke about 3 a week. I've never been silly enough to smoke 30 a day!


smokers are not selfish. Think about it, what a stupid comment to make. I never smoke anywhere that I'm not supposed to. I'd never smoke near my kids and I don't stand at the door of the pub or shops etc. so people have to walk through it. How am I selfish person??

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Just been on holiday and my holiday has been spoiled by ignorant people smoking everywhere in the hotel in restaurants and at the beach dog ends stuck in the sand everywhere ,they really have a field day on holiday blowing smoke everywhere when people are eating. I gave up going round the pool, I felt like one of those smoking beagle dogs they used in experiments...I hate the stinking habit:gag: sorry for the rant but I really do detest the habit and the ignorant and inconsiderate way smokers just don't care about the affect their habit has on other non smoking people...


It's also thier holiday and entitled to relax / enjoy it the way it suites them.

Personaly if it had been me and i was annoyed by the smoke, i would have moved on no, big deal.

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In Turkey, there are signs all over, in bars, restaurants etc - however the govt and police dont care so this rule isnt enforced.

In Tokyo there are signs on the pavement No Smoking Allowed except in designated smoking areas on street corners,But you can smoke in the pubs.

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It's also thier holiday and entitled to relax / enjoy it the way it suites them.

Personaly if it had been me and i was annoyed by the smoke, i would have moved on no, big deal.


That's all fair and well people enjoying them self on holiday,,but smoking is a stinking habit that affects other people who do not want secondhand fag smoke blowing over them why should I have to move on just because of some selfish smoker..


---------- Post added 02-10-2014 at 21:11 ----------


I smoke about 3 a week. I've never been silly enough to smoke 30 a day!


smokers are not selfish. Think about it, what a stupid comment to make. I never smoke anywhere that I'm not supposed to. I'd never smoke near my kids and I don't stand at the door of the pub or shops etc. so people have to walk through it. How am I selfish person??

You sound like a considerate person not like the majority of smokers I seem to come across..

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