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Suggestions needed.


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Hi everyone,


Thought I'd ask for some opinions (yeah, I know what I might be letting myself in for! :P ) as I've had a bit of a situation this year, but I'm now looking ahead to next.


Long story short, in early July I had a pretty horrific knee injury, which thanks to a misdiagnosis by the first hospital I was taken to, meant I almost lost my leg. Thankfully I didn't, but because of the complications that arose from sending me away in a tubigrip (yes really :rant:) it's meant that aside from the emergency surgery to stabilise the joint and restore blood flow, they haven't been able to operate to fix the injury itself.


In mid November I'll know better what the long term implications will be, as that's when the cast bracing comes off and we see how stable it is- then begins the long road of therapy and relearning to walk etc.


ANYWAY, I'm looking on the bright side, and assuming I get "functional" use back, at least, which means next year I'll be looking for a new hobby to help give it some gentle low-impact exercise. The question is what though?


I'll already be swimming, as that will be good for me all over as well as supporting the bad parts, but I'm also looking for something else that will be fun and enough of a distraction to not be thinking and worrying about everything.


Basically, I won't be running (at least not for a long time) so it cuts out a fair bit I can think of, and twisting and deep bending of the knees is not going to be a good plan for a long time either...so that rules a lot of stuff I used to do out as well...


So any suggestions welcomed!


So far I've come up with modern jive/ceroc (as I've done a couple of classes in the past and know there's no stress to the knee)

Anything else you'd recommend?


And thanks for reading the mini essay!

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You would be welcome to have a go at table tennis and see how your knee holds up. Plenty of people with dodgy knees still play the sport. International player David Wetherill plays with a crutch on one arm!

Mousehole Forge, Bridleway off bottom of Stannington Road, Saturdays at 1pm.

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