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Plug nightclub 48 too old ?


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Planet Zogg has been running for many years at Plug (we were there at .Zero its predessor) and have just celebarted our 14th Birthday - we've always had very mixed crowd with plenty of 30 and 40 somethings aswell as few 50 and 60 somethings along with the younger Zoggers.


As as has already been said - some nights will have an older crowd than others - just check the nights facebook group and check out the pix to get an idea


I'm suprised at some of the comments on here as Plug is one of the most un-rough city centre clubs i've ever come across with great security & staff.

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I can't really echo the sentiment on here.


My experiences are that nobody cares what you are dressed as or what you are drinking which is refreshing compared to some of the other places which attract all the sunbed queens and posturing blokes in ill fitting T-Shirts. I have also seen people well into their 50's and 60's out dancing on a Friday at Propaganda, which is Indie/Rock but had Northern Soul/Ska on in the smaller room.


Anywhere you go that is open until 4am will be majority full of students apart from Maggie Mays. You will be one of the oldest people in there, as you would most places. But that doesn't bother anyone else, from what I have seen.


I also think the bouncers are excellent. Very strange comments on here, I can only assume people have turned up to a specific event and it REALLY hasn't been their genre as Spanked, Jump Around, Props etc are all quite varied in demographic.


Glad I'm not the only person who sees the venue like this, I'm sure someone will be along soon enough to claim you obviously work for Plug though..

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As a regular there for around 2 years now (almost every weekend!) I'm 30 and on some of the regular nights nights I almost feel old...


If you go to one of the house nights such as Ohm Sweet Ohm (which sounds like what you're talking about) You'll find the crowd ranges from 18 to people in their 50s, nights like that everyone is there for the same love of the music (plus because it's not cheap to get in you don't get the idiots who can't handle their drink) and nobody at all will notice your age...


I'd probably recommend avoiding Fridays, that is the "worst" day for students at the weekend, although they are generally lovely people I can guarantee you'll feel old then!


The security are human beings, if treat them like one they are great people (I know quite a few of them really well now), if you act like a penis then don't expect them to be so friendly. Fights occasionally happen as you would expect but I see them far less in there than anywhere else, and they are always stopped efficiently but out of all the Ohm nights in the last 2 years (I've only missed one or two) I don't think I've ever seen a fight.


The good thing about Plug is it's a little off the beaten track so the people who can't hold their drink tend to stay on West Street or Carver Street whereas the people who make the wander down to Plug tend to have a little more sense

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Babylon is now Pop World I think, although I doubt it's actually changed all that much.


Plug was never 'rough' and to be fair the security staff were always pretty decent, but I've not gone for a while as it got kinda samey in there.


Their new years eve events really went down the toilet as well, which is a massive shame.


They used to get some pretty big names in, and have wicked nights but now not so much :(

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I don't understand the OP's question? Do you mean are you too old to get in? Of course not. Do you mean is the place going to be full of young people - well yeah of course, you'll probably be the oldest person there. Do you mean are you too old for it to be socially acceptable to go to a nightclub - it's your life

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Just been to the Leadmill to see Southern, a young band from Northern Ireland including a brother and sister. Great gig, but slightly miffed that a punter asked if we were the band's mam and dad! Mind you, we are both 60, but is it so unusual for old duffers like us to attend gigs?



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