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A question from my son about poverty

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It would lead to too much money chasing too few goods meaning inflation. Notes were printed recently as part of Quantitative easing, probably as the goods were around but not enough money/demand was around at the time to purchase them but I could be wrong. Shame it won't help the poor/homeless out though as great an idea as it may seem but Ash answer sums it up well.

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Wasting your time trying to explain to cyclone. he is not the brightest person around


I don't know what your problem is, but I already understand inflation thanks, and indeed touched on it in my reply.


Did you understand what "devalues the rest of the currency" means?


You seem to have totally misread my earlier post, perhaps you're not the brightest person around.

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What poverty? From a circular regarding pay talks:


"For the 1,000 wealthiest Britons times are good too – when their collective wealth was already astronomical this increased by a further £70 billion in the last year alone. To put that figure in context, it’s enough to give every working person in the UK a £2,000 pay rise."

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