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Primary schools teaching lies

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Whoever built the Egyptian pyramids were also global travelers on a grand scale. They even built a pyramid in Las Vegas, Nevada which is known today as the Luxor.


---------- Post added 01-10-2014 at 20:01 ----------


All of them???


Just about all and also the first tunnels for the new London Underground Railway system back in the 1850s

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Whoever built the Egyptian pyramids were also global travelers on a grand scale. They even built a pyramid in Las Vegas, Nevada which is known today as the Luxor.


---------- Post added 01-10-2014 at 20:01 ----------



Just about all and also the first tunnels for the new London Underground Railway system back in the 1850s


There is even one in Stockport.

Which is quite similar to Las Vegas (in certain lights)

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That pharoes were buried in pyramids has long been established to be at best a myth and you'd have some learning difficulties to believe otherwise in light of ther evidence.


So as the pyramids were not ever used as tombs, why then do schools perpetuate the myth?


There remains, as we all know, much speculation about their actual purpose.


It has also been alleged that the egyptians could not have built the pyramids and there is much evidence to back that up.


It has also been shown that they did not create the sphynx which pre-dates the so called egyptian 'pyramid building' culture by about 8000 yrs having been carved in approximately 10,500BC.


Why are our schools teaching lies as facts?




We have a contender for the Truthlogic Memorial Prize for the most barmy conspiracy theory of the year.

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That pharoes were buried in pyramids has long been established to be at best a myth and you'd have some learning difficulties to believe otherwise in light of ther evidence.


So as the pyramids were not ever used as tombs, why then do schools perpetuate the myth?


There remains, as we all know, much speculation about their actual purpose.


It has also been alleged that the egyptians could not have built the pyramids and there is much evidence to back that up.


It has also been shown that they did not create the sphynx which pre-dates the so called egyptian 'pyramid building' culture by about 8000 yrs having been carved in approximately 10,500BC.


Why are our schools teaching lies as facts?




your quote::: Why are our schools teaching lies as facts?



GOD created man? are you also disputing this.



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Sandstone usually contains vast amounts of quartz - there are a few very rare ones that are feldspar based but I think you'd find lots of quartz in almost any sandstone you looked at simply because quartz is so abundant and so durable.


Cool, so that would give you the age of the blocks at least from reading about it. Given the size of the error it's unlikely to be able to distinguish the age of the carvings from the blocks unless they were separated by at least hundreds of years.


---------- Post added 02-10-2014 at 08:13 ----------


your quote::: Why are our schools teaching lies as facts?



GOD created man? are you also disputing this.




They don't teach that in schools. :confused:

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Yes they heiroglyphics were used prolifically in tombs and indeed elsewhere, they were used to depict many aspects certainly all the important ones of egyptian life; and of course much about which ever person that was enclosed in that tomb.


Very few heiroglyphcs have been found in pyramids and none anywhere depicting a pharoeh being buried in a pyramid. Given that there so many aspects of egyptian life. graneries, bakeries and breweries atc and the processes taking place therein it is rather surprising that nowhere is there any depiction of the method and processes of pyramid building. Unless of course they did not build them.



I was asking why we teach children in schools the lie that the pyramids were tombs when they were not.




That said. The questions about the building of the pyramids are numerous and although not related to my original question I'll mention some of them.


The challenges of how they cut the stones with copper tools at all is one issue and how they were able to both move and assemble the stones within fine tolerances that we do meet in modern buildings is another. That they are built on a north south line using the then true north which we believe they could not have known with an accuracy of 1/10 of a degree raises more questions.


More interestingly we come down to mathematics, not the maths of the dimensions which are interesting in their own right as are their potential origins but the mathematics of the rate the pyramids were erected.


In the time frames claimed for the building of a pyramid within the lifetime of any given pharaoh the best estimates calculate the rate of actual stone laying to be one every two minutes during a 10 hour working day.


Whilst they are undoubtedly a wonder of the world I would not care to speculate who built them, how they built them or indeed why. There is wealth of such speculations a simple internet search will provide.


No answer to my original question has been found as yet.

Why do we teach school children lies and 1/2 truths?


By which I do not only refer to the nonesense that pyramids were used as tombs. An internet search will reveal that there are many other things that we teach children as being accepted facts some of which are not and some of which are in dispute.




(Reputable) evidence please.



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