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Brilliant speech by Cameron

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Absolutely stunning performance by Dave this afternoon. Unchallengeable on NHS, immigration, and particularly economy. No tax on earnings less than £12,500, top rate now £50,000. 100,000 new homes not available for purchase by speculators, Just first time buyers aged under 40.


Bottom Line? Any vote for UKIP is a vote for Labour.


Daves the boy, Vote for Dave.


Unless you live in Rotherham or Grimsby.

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Reducing our deficit and the countriy's debt has to be tackled. I note that Miliband didn't want to talk about it. It isn't going to be popular but it has to be done. At least Cameron didn't try to brush it under the table just for it to be a nasty shock after the election.


Reducing our deficit by debasing the currency with an unsustainable .5% interest rate and borrowing more money than Gordon Brown and Tony Blair put together.


Who said you can't borrow your way out of debt, I forget?


..... seriously, this lot are worse than the last bunch of clowns.

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He said "nothing comes easy". Cameron is a bloke with a heiress wife and a dad who got him a £90k job.



The cynic in me thinks Nick Robinson would say that, he's a Tory and a founding member of the Yound Macclesfield Conservatives :hihi:


But you're correct The tories did promise that the deficit would be cleared by the end of the Parliament...'Alan Ladd' forgot to mention that ;)


He sounded a bit rough on Radio 4's Today programme this morning. I suspect he had a late night with his Tory chums.

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Closing the tax loopholes corporations exploit is difficult and not as straightforward as you would think. These loopholes are legal and should the law be changed, the corporation's highly paid lawyers and accountants would probably find another way. Corporations have a lot of power and in this globalised world they could easilly re-domicile themselves abroad, meaning we would lose all rates and corporation tax.


The Torries will not be scrapping Trident. Would you like Dave to give you a list of things he won't do instead of a list of things he will do. This would be a very long list.


HS2 is not pointless, the point is to decrease travel times between our major cities. This should be a boon to cities on the link.

Did he not mention freezing cuts to the NHS and protecting the budget in England. I don't think he mentioned the Fire Service, but he can't mention everything can he?



Try to be subjective.




Try getting to Manchester over the Woodhead or Snake pass by car at the rush hour times, then tell me again why we would spend 50 billion to get us to London 30 minutes faster by rail. What a con that is.



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Never voted Conservative before, but these policies might win me over.


The increase in the pre-tax allowance is particularly good for me, and most others.


However, many people receive some kind of benefit, ie. child benefit, tax credits etc. and find these proposed tax cuts will be offset by the freeze on these type of benefits announced this week.

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However, many people receive some kind of benefit, ie. child benefit, tax credits etc. and find these proposed tax cuts will be offset by the freeze on these type of benefits announced this week.


I don't think child benefit is being frozen, but I'm not 100% sure. However, benefits have risen faster than wages in the last 5 years, this is redressing the balance

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Try getting to Manchester over the Woodhead or Snake pass by car at the rush hour times, then tell me again why we would spend 50 billion to get us to London 30 minutes faster by rail. What a con that is.



It's smashing it's way through some of the best fishing locations in the locality too. Not that that's a major reason for me not wanting it to go ahead, but it's a shame to see so much of the countryside disappear!


Removing the freight from the roads and improving the existing lines would be cheaper and improve driving times.


They try to make out that it will benefit the north, when in reality it's just opening our cities up so London can suck more money from them!

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It's smashing it's way through some of the best fishing locations in the locality too. Not that that's a major reason for me not wanting it to go ahead, but it's a shame to see so much of the countryside disappear!


Removing the freight from the roads and improving the existing lines would be cheaper and improve driving times.


They try to make out that it will benefit the north, when in reality it's just opening our cities up so London can suck more money from them!


But that's happening now. A lot of companies who I work with or against who based here find themselves doing a massive amount of work in the south east. In my case it's certainly not by design - I'd love to start the majority of my work without a 3 to 4 hour drive but that's where the money is.


Whether Osbourns idea of trying to get bigger northern cities more money and exposure works will be anybody's guess but until then get more people to and from the south east quicker is a way to go.

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I don't think child benefit is being frozen, but I'm not 100% sure. However, benefits have risen faster than wages in the last 5 years, this is redressing the balance




'The freeze will affect jobseekers' allowance, income support, tax credits, child benefit and housing benefit, although benefits for pensioners and disabled people will be protected'.


How are people going to afford their rents when landlords increase them?

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