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Greatest Living Yorkshireman (or Woman)

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I have a lot of respect for "average" guys who do amazing things. John Burkhill for example. Ben Parkinson too.


I'm not sure I could say there was a single greatest figure though.


(David Hirst is a legend though. Apart from one incident that occurred after a lot of beers with him)



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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Someone's mentioned Alex Turner, but if you're going down the music route, why does Joe Elliott of Def Lep get ignored?!?!


As much as I like the Arctics, they've not done what Def Leppard have done just yet... and Elliott's a Blade!


There's also John McLaughlin of the Mahavishnu Orchestra! Unbelievably talented and much respected guitarist.

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I have a lot of respect for "average" guys who do amazing things. John Burkhill for example. Ben Parkinson too.


I'm not sure I could say there was a single greatest figure though.


(David Hirst is a legend though. Apart from one incident that occurred after a lot of beers with him)



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

John Burkhill most definitely, and though she is no longer alive Jane Tomlinson from Leeds who despite suffering from terminal cancer raised millions for charity taking part in long distance cycling and running events before her death.
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Born at Montagu Hospital in Mexborough, brought up in Goldthorpe.


His parents lived on Hope Avenue in Goldthorpe when he was born. The birth did take place in Mexborough Montague Hospital as you say but once the period of confinement was over he was taken home to Goldthorpe.

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