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£300 per day not enough to live on

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I'm certain you would complain if your company imposed that on you, so why do you think it's acceptable to impose it on others?


Well there is a difference. A company has to pay its own staff's expenses. Expenses for MPs, Lords etc are paid for by the taxpayer, so we have a right to expect value for money.


Unfortunately, those holding the purse strings seem to think there is a bottomless pit when it comes to funding top brass expenses, but at the same time we ordinary mortals have to accept austerity, cuts etc. even tho' it's actually our money paying the bills....

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Does the £300 include a nights accommodation in that London? A link from the OP may help. If I, for one, have a meeting, or whatever, in a different city then I will claim expenses for travel, food and, if required, accommodation. A day and night in London would be more than £300, far more. My last trip, booked at the last minute, was over £200 for the train down alone.




Curious, the last time i was down london i was there for 3 days and that came to less than 300


---------- Post added 04-10-2014 at 16:52 ----------


I propose Sheffield.


JEEZ!!! NO!!! we dont want that bunch of lazy good for nothing spongers up here, we have enough of our own without importing em!!


---------- Post added 04-10-2014 at 16:58 ----------


Maybe I should have clarified and said crap for the amount of responsibility the position holds.




And how much responsibility DO they hold?? Cant be that much bearing in mind how many MPs want to get rid of them

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This is an interesting aside, and demonstrates why it's not a good idea to leave the politicians to it, on so many levels.


Apparently another Conservative MP, now a Lord, is in the firing line accused in another case of child sexual abuse. He attended the House of Lords 15 times in November 2013, and 12 times in December 2013 collecting all the usual expenses, then when the fat hit the fan in the same December, he was suddenly declared to be suffering from advanced Dementia, and quietly spirited away......


Now somebody is telling porkies.


Either we are subsidising demented old fools and allowing them to vote in the Lords on important issues when they are not capable, or the establishment are conspiring in yet another cover up, and another politician fails to answer his accusers.....


Either way, we are being treated as idiots yet again.

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Curious, the last time i was down london i was there for 3 days and that came to less than 300

Tickets were £234 booked the day before, specific train booked for way down and open return for return journey. Both first class (although that only added £20 or so onto the total). If staying overnight I would normally expect to pay around £180/night for reasonable accommodation.

And how much responsibility DO they hold?? Cant be that much bearing in mind how many MPs want to get rid of them

Every new bill must pass through the House of Lords before becoming an Act of Parliament. So if you think being responsible for making and shaping all new laws in the UK is not much responsibility then, yes, you're right.

Many MPs want to get rid of them because they are unelected and pose a barrier to getting new draft laws into actual law.



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So, £200 on two nights accommodation and food, whereabouts was the cardboard box you stayed in?




Travellodge, Tottenham area. Not that it matters, after all it IS the smoke and they have a perfectly good transport system to get you around. It was adequate, it did what it was meant to do, provide a room, what else do you need?


After all we dont ALL need to go first class everywhere and use starred hotels, they are just a waste of money. I sleep just as well for 50 notes a night as I would for 150


BTW, with just a little research I have found travel to the smoke on the train in 6 wks time (more than enough planning) for 20 notes

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