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Cyclist should pay Road Tax

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due to looking at the emission bands, which show nil payment, and general taxation is still not a direct contribution, I pay both, go and join Bonzo.:gag:

This really is simple. Either you're being deliberately dense or are in fact too dense to understand. In either case you can have one more opportunity to understand, after that adamf's post should stand as law.

Here we go:

The upkeep of raods is paid for out of general taxation. Saying that I pay VED therefore I pay more for their upkeep is the same as saying I chew more chewing gum that you therefore I contribute more tax to the upkeep of the roads... or in other words, it's stupid.

To quote wiki:

"Arguing that cyclists therefore have less right to use the roads is like arguing that smokers should take precedence for medical treatment, because non-smokers don't buy cigarettes and therefore 'don't pay hospital tax"


Ping mods --- can we have a rule that anyone who can't understand how VED works after it's been explained clearly several times is simply deemed too stupid to post?




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I do understand, I'm just stating it's not a fair system and there for should be changed.


It couldn't be fairer. Everyone pays for the upkeep of the roads.....Everyone! (Who pays taxes). People who use vehicles that produce a high level of emissions have to pay VED. How many times have you read that on this thread? It's simple enough for most idiots to understand.

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Don't worry. The system will change. Won't be overnight, but it will.


The wheels are in motion. The little coloured disk no longer needs to be displayed in the windscreen of the car. The biggest argument for keeping the so called 'Tax Disc' was to ensure that cars had visible proof that for a few days of the year they were insured and MOT'd. I reckon ten years from now the VED will simply be added to fuel.

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I am interested in the history of motorists' payment for road use:




The Road Fund was never fully utilised, returning a surplus each year, and it became notorious for being used for other government purposes.[3] Winston Churchill opposed the Road Fund, saying: "It will be only a step from this for them to claim in a few years the moral ownership of the roads their contributions have created".[5] In 1926 as Chancellor of the Exchequer Churchill sought, successfully, to redirect a third of payments as taxation on luxury and pleasure uses with the stated aim of putting competition between road and rail on a fair basis.[5] At the same time, the majority of road building and maintenance costs were met from general and local taxation.


Well, many contributors are claiming ownership, as Churchill predicted.


BTW, my apologies for quoting "Wickedpaedia"; it's just the easiest place to find material free of charge, and I can usually tell if there's a serious distortion.

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I do understand, I'm just stating it's not a fair system and there for should be changed.


what about all them mobility cars they don't pay any road tax and 99% are people who claim free road tax for a family member who have never been in the car MAKE THEM PAY :o:o:o

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