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Cyclist should pay Road Tax

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So cyclists pay council tax is a reason. Well car drivers also pay council tax and general tax towards highways. So by that argument car drivers shouldnt have to pay it.


Personally we need the money so I think both should.


Why do you 'personally' need the money? That makes no sense. Do you personally mend the roads, or what?


It seems fair that the road users who cause most damage to the roads and to the environment generally should pay more, one way or another, to remedy that damage and pay for improvements. So it seems perfectly reasonable to expect car users to pay Council Tax and Road Tax.

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How do mean trolling! .
because of the way the thread started.

A paraphrase as the thread title

an unsubstantiated personal statement as the first post.


No constructive argument, no knowledge that road tax doesn't exist, no consideration that other road users don't pay 'road tax'


pure baiting!


Write in a more fitting manner, with some good, logical points and it might be seen as genuine discussion

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I'm not cycle bashing. My OH is a cyclist and we would be happy to pay for our fair share of road usage. Why not?


You already pay - income tax and council tax. You want to pay more?


How much should other road users pay, to make your argument fair? I mean the highways people have built you nice footpaths, some zebras and pelican crossings. Do you want to pay extra for these too? And if you own a low emissions car with zero duty, would you want to pay extra for this too? But if you drive a big smoky car that buggers up the roads, how much extra above the cyclist would want to pay here - as now?, hundreds more? maybe thousands more to get the correct context?


I'd be interested

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They should be taxed like any other road user. The cycle lanes and the extra bits and pieces done for cyclists arent cheap and if they were taxed this could have helped towards the costs.


Not all road users pay tax!!

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What if a muslim, leftie, yoghurt knitting, right whinger cyclist repeatedly set off Chinese Lanterns on the pavement and sent them through a series of red lights?


How much tax should they pay?

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