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Cyclist should pay Road Tax

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I think that tax is not the proper question, it should be that cyclists should be made to have readable identification and they should have some form of insurance.

Just in case thay have an accident so they could be traced and punished by the law:thumbsup:

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What we should have is a system as in Sweden where cyclists are always presumed to have the right of way over motorists. Damaging as it is to the male pride of some testosterone-fuelled car-drivers to have give way to a man or woman on a bike, it does result in far fewer accidents. Car drivers are much, much more aware of cyclists than here and they generally have a more respectful attitude towards them.


When cyclists do have accidents it is rarely their own fault and they are hardly going to flee the scene if they have been hit off their bike by a motorist. So to have them all drive round with identification plates seem a bit OTT.


Hi-viz clothing and lights should be mandatory and enforced, though.

Edited by aliceBB
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Hi-viz clothing and lights should be mandatory and enforced, though.


It should.


I like the idea of id plates too. Then when a cyclist has injured a pedestrian, they can be traced. I'm getting a bit tired of dodging bikes on the pavement.

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It should.


I like the idea of id plates too. Then when a cyclist has injured a pedestrian, they can be traced. I'm getting a bit tired of dodging bikes on the pavement.


I agree - they shouldn't be on the pavement, as a rule.


There are however some pavements which are ridiculously wide for the number of pedestrians who ever use them, so these could be divided up into pedestrian and cycle spaces.

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i take it you have never driven in London!. there are plenty of accidents which result in damage to cars. and they just ride off into the traffic. its happened to me and others. these repairs did and can run into thousands of pounds. a power and heated wing mirror on a top end merc costs the earth. this cost had to paid by the innocent motorist, who had the misfortune to have this idiot knock it off.

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It should.


I like the idea of id plates too. Then when a cyclist has injured a pedestrian, they can be traced. I'm getting a bit tired of dodging bikes on the pavement.


It wouldn't hurt anyone to wear a hi-viz bib with their own number printed plainly on it. Safety and ID in one.

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i take it you have never driven in London!. there are plenty of accidents which result in damage to cars. and they just ride off into the traffic. its happened to me and others. these repairs did and can run into thousands of pounds. a power and heated wing mirror on a top end merc costs the earth. this cost had to paid by the innocent motorist, who had the misfortune to have this idiot knock it off.


The answer is simple. Don't drive in London. Nobody with any sense chooses to drive a private vehicle in the capital.


As for the top end wing mirror on a Merc costing the earth - my heart bleeds (not). Cars generally are costing the earth. Cyclists have to ride aggressively at times in order to escape injury.

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no they dont, its only the looney ones that do that. i see plenty of cyclists who ride on the roads with great care. its the minority that ride like idiots. and they tend to get away with it


Compared with car drivers cyclists are on average much more cautious. There is a greater proportion of aggressive idiots amongst the car-driving population than amongst cyclists.


Cyclists are statistically more likely to be Buddhists, too.:)

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Compared with car drivers cyclists are on average much more cautious. There is a greater proportion of aggressive idiots amongst the car-driving population than amongst cyclists.


Cyclists are statistically more likely to be Buddhists, too.:)


thats something i know little about. does that change their aggressive nature?. or do they belive that when their times up ITS UP

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